It's Over (Chapter 6)

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Chapter 6

“Adam,” Behati was surprised when she opened her door. She guessed he already knew about what she did. She already prepared herself on what might happen. She knew he would get mad but it’s not the right time to regret now what she did. In her mind, she did this for the better.

“Why did you tell this to Chris?” Adam asked in a calm voice. Behati expected him to rage on her but he didn’t.

“I told her what she needed to know,” she admitted.

“I told you I will be the one who’ll tell her,” he said.

“When, Adam? When are you gonna tell her? When the baby is already out of my system?” she yelled. She was so upset. She felt like Adam didn’t want to take the liability he has for them.

“Just…. I told you I’m trying to figure this out.”

“Adam, what I did was just right! I’m not doing this for myself; I’m doing this for our baby.” Adam could feel the sadness and yearning in her voice. But, his mind is empty. He couldn’t think right. He felt like a loss soul.

“Adam, let’s get married,” Behati proposed. “Forget about her. Besides, we could live a happy life if you just let yourself. I want our baby to live a happy life with a dad.”

Adam thought of this for awhile. Of course, he didn’t want his baby to grow without a dad. Would he marry her? Only for the baby. How about Christina? She’s all that he wanted in his life. He couldn’t afford losing Christina. Maybe there’s something they could do about it. He could still see his child even if they’re not married. Maybe they could make that work, couldn’t they? He didn’t want to think anymore. Instead of making his decision right away, he just went home.

The next day, Christina walked in on set wearing a fitted purple dress. Her make-up was just light. Her hair was tied in a bun. She looked so beautiful. Blake, who sat next to her, couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. “Blake, stop staring at me,” she said.

“Oh, I’m sorry. You should try not to look that stunning then so I won’t stare at you for long,” he laughed.

She laughed along with him. Cee-lo joined in. He brought his cat and said some of the weirdest things that made them all laugh so hard. Adam came in late. His eyes were puffy when he walked in on set. Cee-lo was the first one who noticed him. “Hey dude, have you slept for 8 hours?” he joked. Adam ignored him and when he saw Christina, he looked down. He couldn’t look at her straight to her eyes. Christina, on the other hand, did the same. She felt the awkwardness of the situation.

“Yes, I, um, slept for more than 8 hours actually,” Adam knew how to ride in Cee’s jokes. So, that’s what he did.

“Nothing new?” Blake asked to Adam.


“We heard that you and Christina are dating,” he blurted out loud. Christina was like, “WTF, Blake.” “Did you two have fun last night reason why you didn’t sleep well, Adam?”

“Yea, you look tired?” Cee-lo added.

Adam didn’t know what to say. He waited for Christina to respond to their joke but she just went serious when he came. She wasn’t smiling anymore. Before he could answer, the staff informed them that the show was going to start in a minute. He was thankful for that.

After the show, Christina approached Adam who’s sitting at one of the steel chairs on the studio. “Adam, I’m sorry for shouting at you last night. I didn’t mean to scream at all,” she apologized.

“No. You don’t have to apologize. I deserved it,” he said. “I’m sorry Christina. I really didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I just didn’t know what to do anymore.”

“I also want to tell you that I’ve decided to end our relationship,” she confessed.

“Wait---what? Christina, no! Please, don’t do this. I’ll figure something out -----“

Christina cut him off. “Adam, listen. It’s the best we could do. It’s your baby. You can’t just run off like that. You have to do something for them, for Behati.”

“But, Christina, you’re the one I want.”

“I know. But, I can’t take you away from a child. I can’t do that.”

“Maybe we can work this out. I will still be a father to my baby.”

“Adam. I know what Behati wants. She wants a family. A happy one. You don’t know how hard to grow up without a father by your side.”


“Adam, if you can’t do this for Behati or for the baby, please do this for me. I can live my life. I have my son, my friends,” she said even if she knew deep down she wanted Adam. She walked out from the studio and headed to Candice’s house.

Adam was left speechless. Christina is letting me go, he said to himself. He couldn’t absorb everything in. He wanted to vanish. Why does it have to be like this? If you can’t do this for them, do this for me, he kept on replaying in his head.

“Chris, stop crying,” Candice comforted Christina as she cried. Candice was surprised when her friend showed up in her house just a few minutes ago. Christina arrived crying. She brought Christina to her kitchen, gave her a glass of water, sat down and told her to tell everything that happened and why she was crying.

“We’re over,” Christina said forcing to stop her hiccups.

“What? Why?”

“He’s having his baby to her ex-girlfriend.”

“Aw, C, I’m so sorry to hear that,” Candice said hugging her friend. She was so concerned. “I told you, he’s not worth the time.”

“No, Candice. I loved spending my time with him. He’s the one I wanted. After I broke up with Matt, I never thought I would fall in love again. But, I did. I know he loves me, Candice. But, we can’t be together,” she uttered. She tried to hold back her tears but it was hard.

“Aww.. sh…sh... Stop crying now, C. Everything will be alright. You’ll move on sooner or later. You’re a tough woman.”

Christina didn’t respond to that. She just hugged her friend so tight. After an hour, she was heading home. At her gate, there was a bouquet of red roses. It was from Adam. There was a card attached to it as well.

I’m sorry this has to happen to us. I love you, Christina. I will always love you. –Adam.

To be continued..... 

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