..Chapter twenty seven..(announcement aswell)

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First of all before I begin this chapter I just wanted to say tysm for

First of all before I begin this chapter I just wanted to say tysm for

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1.52k reads and 77 votes! I know updates are slow and the story and logic isn't the best, but you still showed plenty of support so thank you! Thank you for your patience and here is another chapter..

    Ink POV:
I've been waiting for this moment as weird as that might sound- I smiled and felt my face heat up," I'd be honored to" I said, masking my excitement. Then Nightmare smiled! And he pulled me in and let's just say that was our first kiss, I felt so happy, and the adrenaline and passion from the kiss rushed through me. But when he pulled away that adrenaline disappeared, I was kinda disappointed it didn't last longer...," Sorry, That was probably a bit much" Nightmare said," No! It's alright..I liked it actually" my face was all heated and covered in rainbow. Nightmares blushed as well,"ooooo" we heard from the other side of the room we both looked and it turned out most of the gang was watching this entire time!

"What are you guys doing here! Don't you know what privacy is!! And you should be in your quarters!!" Nightmare shouted getting up from his chair, I grabbed his hand," Leave them be" i said, he reluctantly sat back down," Your safe for now" he mumbled," Looks like Boss finally found his kryptonite" Cross said, the rest of the gang giving smug looks, expect for killer? He seemed a little sad," Don't think your safe, now scram!" Nightmare yelled and they all ran off.

He looked back at me, " Sheesh they never leave me alone" Nightmare mumbled, I chuckled. But then yawned soon after. In the moments before I fell asleep, Nightmare went over to me, picked me up and the next thing I knew we were in his room then placed me on his bed and I fell asleep with Nightmare next to me.

I fell in love with my boss...(Inkmare story) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now