2• Silhouette behind the curtains

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Monday 27th July, 2059;
Richie reached the laboratory of dynamics seeing James in a full scientific gears. "What so special in this day you have put on a white coat?"

James slightly smiles, before answering. "The demo of the Uranium jacket."

Looking far behind Richie saw an empty hibernation chamber, by seeing hibernate mode activated on the green onyx button. "You mean the process is done. Right?"

"Yep, the development or the creation whatever," he raise his hands to acknowledge. "It's done! I have strictly accumulated on it samples yesterday during the dusk."

"So you mean you didn't go home yesterday?"

"Come on Richie follow me I will show you how your armoured jacket look like."

Both of them irrevocably reach in a tunnel; which was allocated deep inside the laboratory of dyamics to an elevator which fly upstairs until they reach a large room that has two massive high-security circular steel door facing the staircase.

"Whoa! What's this door I haven't see this before?"

"Nope, it was design by my grandfather from thieves."

The walls are made of smooth reinforced concrete, with the ceiling being higher than what Richie would expect for such a place. There are several large reinforced metallic cabinets and desk distributed throughout the room, probably containing valuables.

In front of one of the doors is a large humanoid-looking robotic machine design with uranium titanium metal looking a jacket and down— with two to three taller than Richie, twice his size. Its shape has clearly been design to make it aerodynamic, possessing curved features that make it resemble a cross between a fighting jet and human. Both its leg and arms features flight stabilizers, though by far its most impressive feature is the massive laser gun mounted on its right arm.

"James you really design me my jacket marvelous." His voice softened, "Richie thanks but starting we should let something go!"

He pull out a remote from his pocket Richie caught a glimpse of red and green button on the corner of his eyes.

"What's this?"

"It's a remote control while you are not using the jacket suit for now I will show its features it abilities and capabilities of what it can do for you!"
"Superb!" He smiles gently. "Show me something."

James pressed the green button on the remote as the gun currently been put to use on the hinges of the door, with a red laser light slowly melting them away.

The laser melting produce a massive amount of heat, and the intense light coming makes Richie looks away. "Whoa the intensity of the laser is too high!"

"I made the intensity higher to able to slice through any components of metals."

"So you mean the laser can slice through Uranium-titanium metal of the jacket?"

"Absolutely yes! The components fragments are about complexity rule against it sulfurous subatomic particles."

"What the?!"

"Richie, just concentrate!" James roll his eyes against Richie making him scurry forward at the jacket. Before James could continue the next process. Richie stops him. "One last question, how do the system interface work?"

James look at him with an apologetic smile. "It's a cryptographic system using an algorithm that converts letters or sequences of bits into ciphertext."

"So how can I break the algorithm to make it easier work for me?" He ask jokingly, James smirk. "Depend on your breaking encoding schemes into complex form as I have said."

Dyerect(Direct) V(5): Chaos of the Uranium JacketUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum