What Friends Are For - M. Tkachuk

Start from the beginning

And Matthew has stayed true to his promise. He's brought you into his home, letting you stay in his guest room. He actually insisted on you being there because if anything were to happen he wanted to be there to help you.

And now you were thirty six weeks into your pregnancy and you were ready to get this baby out. And the summer heat didn't help you either. You were hot twenty-four-seven, every time you moved it felt like the room was spinning. And not to mention you didn't get much sleep. The Fourth of July weekend couldn't come any faster.

It was nearing two in the morning and all you could think about was french fries from McDonalds. You didn't want to bother Matthew, he'd just gotten back from the family trip to the Bahamas. He was very tired and very jet lagged. But you couldn't take this craving any longer.

Tossing the covers off of your warm body you got out of bed slowly, slipping into your sandals as you walked down the hallway towards Matthews room. Softly knocking on the door and saying his name, you open the door and quietly step over to where he was peacefully sleeping. He looked so calm, and there were loud snores coming out of his mouth. But at this moment, you didn't give a shit. You wanted french fries.

Shaking him slightly he woke up in a tussle. Pushing himself up he looked up at you as you turned on his bedside lamp. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?" he reaches out his hand and places it softly on your bump, his other hand rubbing his eyes.

"I need french fries, Matthew." he gave you a puzzled look and felt the need to start laughing, but this was not out of the ordinary for you by this point. He sighed, tossing the covers off of his warm body and standing up. Shuffling over to his closet he pulled a hoodie over his body, sliding into some vans for the short drive down the street.

He mumbled a "c'mon," as he grabbed your hand and softly led you to the garage. Matthew had his own place in St. Louis, he figured that he might as well get one since he would be living here half of the year anyway. And he was glad he did, because how awkward would it be bringing his heavily pregnant friend to his hometown with him, and having her live with his family?

The car drive was quiet. Matthew wasn't much of a talker when he first woke up. Normally it takes him about thirty minutes to fully wake up and become his normal self.

Sooner rather than later, Matthew had ordered three large french fries from the McDonalds down the street. As soon as he handed you the paper sack you dove into the hot fries. You groaned at the taste, as your starvation and craving were satisfied. He laughed at how you ate them so fast, but he knows better than anyone how bad your pregnancy cravings can get.

"So, do you have a name yet?" he asked, his voice still scratchy from sleep. Turning into the neighborhood that he called home for five months out of the year you continued to munch on your fries.

"I'm thinking Violet," you said as you finished off one of the cartons quickly. He pulled the car into the driveway and parked it, humming in agreement of the name. "I like that, it's pretty." he got out of the car and walked around to open the door for you and help you get out.

"It doesn't sound too old lady-ish, does it?" you asked as he walked with you to the front door. He chuckled as he waited patiently for you to enter the house. "No, it doesn't."


July 4th had arrived, but baby Violet didn't. The doctors told you that if she didn't come within a week you would be induced, but you didn't know if you could wait a week.

It was early in the morning as you walked around the living room with hope. You got just a few hours of sleep but you were still trying to put a smile on your face. Sipping on some water you looked out onto the backyard, watching the sun rise.

But soon enough, you felt pains go through your body. You've already experienced Braxton Hicks before, but this was totally different. This was real.

Shuffling over to the kitchen you set your bottle of water down on the counter and rested your arms on the cold marble. Dipping your head down, you take a deep breath. Looking on your watch you start to time them apart, and right now they're only eight minutes apart. Ten minutes went by and so did more contractions. Which meant Violet would soon arrive.

"Good mor- oh my god, are you okay?" Matthew asked as he stood a few feet from you in the living room. You let out a long deep breath as you stood up straight and took in a deep breath. "Is it time?" he asked, his voice softer while he got closer to you.

He noticed the worried look in your eyes, and he knew it was time. "I..i don't know. The contractions are eight minutes apart but my water hasn't broken yet," you explained. He rested his hands on your shoulders as an effort to calm you down, and to calm himself down. He knew that shit would hit the fan if he freaked out.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" you chewed on your lip and felt a wave of nerves go through your body. You nodded your head and soon Matthew ran back to grab the bag that he helped you put together and change his clothes. After loading everything in the car he came back inside to find you in the exact same spot where he had left you.

He helped you walk to the car, but nearly dropped to his knees when he felt you squeeze his hand when another contraction came. "Shit you're strong," he said through gritted teeth.

Just as he was about to start the car you stopped him by putting his hand on your arm, "Matty," you started, your breathing more staggered now. "I want you to sign the birth certificate." he parted his lips in shock, his eyes wide open. Just as you are about to get worried he nodded his head, "okay, i'll sign it."

You took a breath of relief, leaning back into the leather seat. He drove you to the hospital, nearly hitting a car or two on the way. When he got to the hospital he rushed inside explaining the situation and soon a few nurses came out and brought you inside. He called his mother and explained the situation, saying that he probably won't make it to dinner tonight.

Four agonizing hours went by and there was still no baby. Matthews' family showed up, everyone but Chantal and Matthew were outside of the room. As soon as you felt like something was about to happen the nurse told you that you were only seven centimeters dilated.

But seven turned into eight, eight turned into nine, and nine turned into ten. And now, it was time to start pushing. You held both Matthews hand and Chantals hand, Matthew not understanding how his mom wasn't grimacing at how hard you were squeezing.

"Matty I can't do this," you cried, tears of frustration and fear rolling down your hot cheeks. He looked you in the eyes while holding your hand, brushing some of the tears and sweat off of your face. "Yes you can Y/N, I know you can. If anybody can do this it's you." he lightly kissed your forehead and with his words of encouragement from both Tkachuk standing right beside you, you started to do what mothers do.

Screams of pain and agony filled the room but they were quickly replaced with cries of a tiny little baby. You fell back against the pillows as she was handed to you after being wiped down and Matthew cutting the umbilical cord. She was born with a head full of your hair color, the same nose as you and she even had your ear shape. Your own little mini me.

"She's gorgeous Y/N," Chantal commented, standing behind Matthew while peeking over his shoulder. You looked at your baby in awe, and with love filling your heart that you didn't know was possible. You held out your finger and instantly she wrapped her finger around it, squeezing it tightly. "Nice to meet you, babygirl." you whispered.

Matthew was handed the birth certificate and looked at you right before signing it. "Put Y/L/N-Tkachuk, if you're okay with that." he smiled and nodded his head, putting that exact name on the certificate.

"So does this mean i have a grandbaby?" Chantal asked with hopeful eyes and a wide grin. You chuckled and nodded your head, looking over at Matthew with a smile. "Yeah, i think it does."

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