38 | Epilogue | 38

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^ Song above is the same one linked on Perception, but it's the series inspo song at this point, so I figured I'd link it here too.

Well, this is it! The last TLS chapter.
As usual, note at the bottom for what comes next. :)
Enjoy. Love ya <3  ~ Owl


-George's POV-

"What the honk."

Karl's hand hangs limply over the doorknob, unable to move away. He stares at me dumbfoundedly, meets my eyes for a few seconds before his flutter shut, blink rapidly and close again.

"Hi," I greet quietly, offering him a little wave I know he can't see. Karl only shakes his head again and pulls me into a hug. It's warm, the feeling of arms wrapped around you that prove you aren't dreaming anymore.

"I did wonder if there was a possibility you'd come back given those two did-" Karl mumbles, cutting himself off with a few, almost delirious giggles. "-But I didn't want to bring that up. Wouldn't be fair on Clay." My thoughts stall at the mention of that name, on where he is now, but I'm quickly cut off by another yell.

"What's with all the noise?!"

A familiar voice calls the question from inside, but I spot Sapnap before I spot them. "He's actually here!" Karl gasps, tugging his boyfriend's sleeve to pull him further into the doorway. The brunet giggles again, waving his arms around in that excitable way of his and pointing at me again.

The movement causes Karl's sleeves to slip down his arms, and for a second I catch a sight of something that looks like more than a bracelet on his wrist, but I don't have time to dwell on it when another pair of arms pull me into a hug.

"Someone's gonna be happy to see you," Sapnap snickers, pulling back and shaking my shoulders. "What was that for?!" I ask, brushing off his hands when he tries to do it again. "Just checking you're actually there," he shrugs, and Karl grins impossibly wider, covering his mouth with his sleeve once he notices my unimpressed glare. He flails his arms excitedly again, narrowly avoiding hitting the person now stood behind him.

"Karl, cutie, you're gonna hit someone." Sapnap rolls his eyes, amused by the way Karl stops at the sound of the nickname, allowing Sapnap enough time to grab both of his arms mid-air. "Cute," the ex-assassin teases, smirking at the deep blush on Karl's cheeks. He knots the boy's sleeves together while he's too stunned to protest, giggling at the way he tries to wriggle out of them shortly after, to no avail.

"Yes, very 'cute'," Tommy cuts in suddenly, earning a glare from Wilbur for his mocking tone. Sapnap and Karl squint at the teen uniformly, shooting each other a questioning look before turning to me. Their synchrony is almost uncanny, and I think about commenting on it, but decide instead on only mouthing 'Tommy' in response. Karl's eyes widen suddenly, giving both Tommy and I a thumbs up before calling for the other teen over his shoulder.

The sound of footsteps echoes from inside instantly, Tubbo reaching the door in only few seconds. But he stops completely just before the doorway, frozen to the spot at the sight of me. "What the fuck..." Tubbo stutters, and I watch Tommy freeze completely once he recognises the owner of that voice.

"To your left," I smile as he engulfs me in a welcoming hug, staying like that for a few seconds before following my suggestion. Tommy turns right just as Tubbo turns left, and two sets of what were once mismatched eyes stare back at each other, this time in only their respective colours.

"Holy shit."

Tommy pulls away from Wilbur, crashing into Tubbo with enough force I'm surprised he manages to stay on his feet. The latter can't seem to find the strength to return the gesture, arms outstretched to do so, but unable to wrap around his best friend.

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