Chapter 4

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((Warning! Mentions of what happened last chapter kinda! Oh also sorry if this chapter is a bit awkward/weird!!)

{Virgil's pov}

I wake up yawning a bit "I just had this some what strange drea-" I look at Roman who was still asleep and who's arm is covered is band aids.. it definitely was not a strange dream.

I sigh and I start to get ready for the day. Making sure that Roman doesnt wake up when I'm changing again.
Once I'm done getting ready I just- shove Roman off of the bed

{Roman's pov}

I open my eyes and groans "I was having a nice dream about being a prince and protecting everyone from some random witch dragon before I was rudely pushed off of my bed by my boyfriend!"
Virgil chuckles "Its not your bed Romano" I sigh and I stand up "I was getting my beauty sleep!" Virgil bends down to my level. I feel like he does that to make me jealous that he grew to be taller "You dont need beauty sleep. Your already beautiful shortie" Shortie? May I remind him that I was taller then him for 2 years! The fucking giant kisses my cheeks and I blush a bit "Well thank you but I can always be more beautiful!"

He sighs and I head to my room to start getting ready

{An hour later}

I get done getting ready. I was wearing white patch pants most of them were random prince shit and a few of them were political, crown earrings, white platform boots(I will show a picture of them), a random red shirt(though its covered with a Jean jacket with more random cloth patches on it),and a crown necklace
(Heres the boots! Oh also sorry if the outfit doesn't make sense)

I walk out of my room only to be picked up by somebody and based off the fact I'm suddenly like a 100ft taller that somebody was Virgil "Babe-? The hell? I was going to c-" I get cut off by Emo "Nope! You arent going. There was severe thunderstorm warning and I dont want you getting harmed" I sigh "Its the first day wouldnt we get in trouble or something?" He stays silent, thinking for a bit before he starts rambling on about the pros and cons of each option before I cut him off by kissing him and he kisses back

But he pulls away shortly after "As you can see neither is the best! But I guess I care about your health more so we arent going!" "But my dad is paying for th-"
"Sorry Princey. Hopefully they will understand"
"Well you cant stop me from going"
"I can just carry you everywhere though"
"This should be the other way around! I mean I'm the prince and your the princess!" Virgil starts laughing "pffffft- you probably cant even pick me up me Princey" I swear to fucking god if he wasnt my boyfriend i would've kicked him in the dick I sigh and we judt go watch a movie

(Sorry to end it here but I'm out of ideas!)

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