7: she was my dream come true

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Y/N laughed, running her fingers through her hair. She was a masterpiece, fitting ideally among the most beautiful flowers of the Garden. "I forget about it."

Morning silence was more pleasing when she was by my side. She felt like a sunrise itself, despite the time of the day, making me want to bask in her warmth.

For the past few days I let her rest, not to make her healing process too heavy on her. I still wanted her to enjoy her time in the Garden. But I figured it was a good time to take the next step.

"Are you ready to continue your healing?" I asked after she swung her legs under water, making it splash.

"I am. I've rested enough."

"Then... do you like painting, Y/N?" I asked, and saying her name still made me beam. I guessed it always would.

She chuckled. "Great question. I love painting. It's my passion, you could say."

"That's incredible! I have something perfect for you."

After we rested a bit more at the Waterfall, and ate some bread with honey for breakfast, I took her to the Painter's Patio. It was a concrete square, not far from the Waterfall, surrounded with a short, wooden fence. As one stood in front of the canvas, they could hear the quiet song of the water falling into the pool. Our paints were made of flowers, Ruby took care of it. Dove specialized in handmade canvases, brushes, and jars for the paints and water.

I gave Y/N everything she needed to paint and told her to just play with it. To paint her feelings. The Painter's Patio, just like everything else in the Garden, breathed the magic. It helped our visitors tap into their inner child, and heal old traumas and suppressed emotions, but without too much pain. Painting was just a distraction to make it easier for their hearts to process the emotions they always shied away from.

I sat on the edge, leaning against the fence, as I watched her paint. Understanding what she meant by "it's my passion, you could say" was no challenge at all. Painting was her element, a big part of her true essence. The way she dipped the brush in the paints and moved it across the canvas, the slow heaving of her chest, the way she got completely lost in her painting. It was dazzling to look at her doing something she loved, something that made her the Y/N she was. The Y/N she wanted to love.

I barely blinked. She wouldn't tell I watched her without a break, she was so immersed into her art. But I couldn't stop. Every second made me want more. My lips curved into a smile, and I couldn't control it. My shoulders were so relaxed, falling down like branches of a weeping willow. I could swear I had butterflies giggling at me in my stomach, but I knew it was just my magic growing stronger, calling out to feel Y/N. My heart bet faster, almost hammering against my chest.

She was my dream coming true. I was finally falling in love.

I was falling in love with Y/N.

After she finished the painting, I asked her to rest a little. She agreed, giggling, as her eyelids refused to stay up. I walked her to her room, and we met Amelia on our way. She gave Y/N a handful of sweet dates she just picked up, and left.

I couldn't focus on anything, Y/N being everything I wanted to think about, so I let myself do so. I let myself daydream as I walked around the Garden. It must have felt the shift in my heart as everything giggled with me as I passed by.

Only when the evening came around, and I was lying on my bed, someone rang a bell in front of my canopy.

"Y/N? How are you feeling?" I asked as I moved the flowers out of my way and she waited for me outside.

"Good. I just... I wanted to ask you... if we could go somewhere... you and me..." she said, scratching her shoulder and giving me a small, hesitant smile. My heart was on a run, as I nodded and reached my hand out to her.

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