"The champion from Beauxbaton; Fleur Delacour!"


"The champion from Durmstrang; Viktor Krum!"

A lot of girls screamed as Viktor walked into the middle looking very satisfied and proud. Then it's time for the Hogwarts' champion. I felt nervous that I gripped George's hands next to me.

Everyone's eyes were on the goblet.

Then something happened that made us look very confused and worried. The goblet spat two papers at the same time. Dumbledore stared at the papers for a while.

"How could this happen?" Madame Maxime exclaimed. "Who are the Hogwarts' champion?"

Dumbledore sighed before looking at all of us.

"The Hogwarts' champions are Cedric Diggory---"

Oh my god! Cedric! I'm so happy for Cedric.

"---and Harry Potter"

Oh fuck! How did that happened? I thought he didn't put his name?

Hermione and Ronald pushed Harry to the front who was still confused with what happened. Everyone congratulated the champions before they went to Dumbledore's office together with Madame Maxime, Igor Karkaroff and The head of the Ministry who helped with  the tournament; Barty Crouch Sr.

"That was crazy" Fred grinned. "I hope Potter wins"

All of the students came back to their respective dormatories still talking about what happened with the goblet

I'm still wondering; if Harry didn't put his name on the goblet then who does?


Hermione, Ronald, Ginny, Natela, Fred, George and I walked to the common room together when we suddenly heard a familiar voices talking loudly not too far from us.

"My mother said the tournament will be extremely dangerous" he laughed. "I hope Potter dies"

"What the fuck did you say?" Ginny said, folding her arms infront of her chest.

"Oh it's the girlfriend" Malfoy mocked, laughing together with his friends.

"I'm sure Potter still have no idea who puts his name in that goblet" he said. "Dumb Potter"

"Say that again and I'll hex you" Ginny said, gritting her teeth. "You put his name on the goblet"

"Oh yes I did Weasley" Malfoy sassed. "I bet Potter won't last five minutes. He'll gonna come home crying to his dead parents and the best possible thing is he'd die"

Ginny lost her cool and stunned Malfoy. All of us got shocked so we started running before someone will come and see us. Fred and George were still laughing even when we got inside the common room.

"That was cool" Fred grinned at Ginny.

"You just made me the proudest brother ever" George said ruffling her hair.

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