Emperor Shah Jahan

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Emperor Shah Jahan was a wise and talented Emperor who is known for building the Taj Mahal for his favourite wife. His love to her seemed to be eternal as he took her along to literally every place he went: on walks, political meetings, even on expeditions. When she died, he was so down that he even neglected to do his tasks as the Emperor for a while.

I took a deep breath. "What seems to be the matter, my Lady?", Lilly asked me. "Oh Lilly", I sighed. I was happy to have her. We talked about almost everything and I trusted her fully. But this time, I wouldn't tell her. "I just have some unpleasant things to do today." Lilly eyed me for a while and then shrugged: "As long as you don't kill anyone, I am fine with it." I chuckled. "Thanks", I grinned and got up, "Well then, I have to go, I guess." "Good luck!", she said and let her hand rest on my arm shortly. "Thank you", I smiled. What a blessing it was to have her. I took out Yunho's book he gave me the first day. A perfect apology.

A few minutes later, I stood in front of the Prince's room and knocked at the door. My heart was beating loudly and my attempts to keep calm didn't really work. The door opened and I held my breath. But the person opposite me was not the Prince. Nor Yunho. "Uhm... Hi?", I said shyly. "Hi", the other one smiled, "Lady Katharina, isn't it?" I nodded: "Or just Katy. And you are...?" "Jihun. Nice to meet you." "Likewise. Is the Prince around?" "I'm afraid, no. But you can wait with me if you want", he suggested. I pondered about it. Why not? Maybe that could calm me down a bit. "Sure", I smiled. "Alright, come in then", he said and stepped aside. My eyes widened. "Can I... Can I really wait in the Prince's room? I mean... Isn't that a bit... obtrusive?", I asked. "Not at all, he doesn't mind", Jihun assured me and I hesitantly stepped inside, looking around. "Come, sit down", he invited me. I slowly approached him. "Don't worry, I won't bite", he laughed. "That's not what... Never mind", I answered and sat down.  "So, what do you want from the Prince?", Jihun asked, making me snap out of inspecting the room. "Uh... Bringing back a book", I answered. "I see", he said, "I personally want to..." My thoughts trailed off again; I couldn't concentrate at all. There was a book on the bedside table. I squinted my eyes. Beauty and the Beast? This was either a really big coincidence or Yunho being obvious.

"Do you think that works?", Jihun asked. Wait, what? What did I miss? "Uhm... Sure", I said. "Yeah, I think so, too", he answered, "I mean, the Prince will need any kind of support tomorrow when he should decide on a girl. By the way... Your chances are quite high, you know?" I chewed my lip and asked half-heartedly: "Really?" Jihun nodded: "Ain't that great?" "I...", I took a deep breath and then continued, "I am not sure if I want that, to be honest..." "What, really? Why?", he asked baffled. I shrugged my shoulders: "I might already have someone." Wait. Why did I tell him? "Uuuuh... Tell me more", he pleaded and I couldn't help but grin. Should I tell him? But on the other hand – I already trusted him with this, heaven knows why. "Well, I meet someone I started to like while being here." "What's his name?" "Y-Yunho", I stuttered. "Oh, I know him! And you like him? Well, I get why. But you would even neglect the Prince for a simple servant?" I nodded: "I guess. I mean... Runs in the family. My mum did the same..." "Woah... That must be love. I know the Prince quite well... Do you want me to tell him to forget you?" I looked at Jihun. This all seemed a bit... too fortunate. "I... Let me do it myself", I said. "Okay", Jihun nodded, "Good luck."


Arthur's heartbeat had increased once he had heard Katharina's words about him. Or rather Yunho. Jahan really had a talent for making people trust him and in this case, it was very helpful. He was waiting for his friend's sign to step out. He had hidden himself behind a curtain near the door and Jahan had placed Katharina in a way that her back was facing him. She had a beautiful back. Actually, she had been too early for them. They still had been planning the conversation when she knocked, so they had to improvise now. Arthur concentrated on his friend again. "I guess, the Prince will soon be here", this one just said. Their sign. "Do you want to talk to him first or should I?" Quietly, Arthur sneaked over to the door. "I don't care", Katharina said as he opened the door, pretending to just come in. "Yunho!", Jahan greeted him. The Lady turned around and looked at him with wide eyes, seemingly nervous. "I guess, I leave you two alone first", Jahan grinned and winked at Katharina. "Uhm... Uh... Sure, thanks", she stuttered. Her stuttering was cute. The other one got up and walked over to the door. "Good luck", he whispered as he passed Arthur. "Thanks", the Prince whispered back and approached Katharina. Okay. Showtime.

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