King Arthur Pendragon

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Historical background:
Stories about King Arthur Pendragon vary in a lot of aspects to a point where historians aren't sure if he even was a real-life person. However, the most popular stories probably are about Excalibur and the Knights of the round table. There are a few so if you are interested, you might want to check it out. :)

I stretched my arms and yawned. Today was the day of the tournament. I was already curious. "Good morning, my Lady", Lilly smiled at me. "Morning", I replied sleep-drunkenly. "Katharina Mandeville! Why aren't you up yet?", I heard the voice before I saw the person. "Morning, Aunt Elisa", I murmured, "I just woke up and I still have enough time to get ready before the tournament." "Do you also have enough time for being presentable before we have breakfast with the royal family?", she asked indifferently. I jolted upwards. "What? I can't eat on my own?", I yelled, maybe indeed a bit stressed already. "Not today, I'm afraid", my aunt smiled innocently. "Fu – Uhm... Far enough time", I pretended and jumped out of my bed. My aunt chuckled and left us alone again.

"Hurry", I instructed Lilly as she helped me tying my dress. "I am doing my best", she answered. While she was still working on my outfit, I ran over to the mirror and started combing myself. "I'm afraid, I will have to leave my hair open today", I mumbled. "The Duchess will be furious", Lilly reminded me. "Yes, but a) I don't have enough time and b) I'm old enough to decide myself", I gave back. My maid shrugged her shoulders hopelessly. I grinned at her: "Don't worry, it'll be my responsibility." She grinned back: "It better be." I laughed and hurried out of the room, running straight into someone.

"Oh, sorry", I said as the two arms catching me earlier put me on my own feet again. "So passionate already?", the other one chuckled. As I lifted my eyes, I blushed immediately. "Uuuh...", I buffered before regaining my composure, "No. Just stressed because your majesty didn't think of telling me about our rendezvous in time." Arthur tilted his head: "Is that a reproach?", he asked. "Not at all, my dear Prince, I wouldn't dare", I grinned innocently, "I just answered your question honestly." He smiled and shook his head. "However", he went on, "We should go pick the other girls up as well." "Let's not make them wait then", I said and started to walk down the hallway. Shaking his head, Arthur followed me.

When we finally sat around the table, my aunt glared at me before whispering: "Manners, young Lady. Why isn't your hair done?" I shrugged my shoulders but before I could answer, Arthur, who was sitting right on the other side of me, leaned over to her and said: "It's modern. I quite like it in fact." I looked at the Prince with wide eyes. Getting brave, huh? He chuckled and turned back to Eleanora on his other side and answered a question of hers. Opposite him they had placed Sophia. I looked at her. She smiled gently at Arthur. However, I could tell that she was feeling uncomfortable and I got why. Except Eleanora we found out that both of us weren't that fond of becoming a Queen. And now she still had to sit here, pretending to be charming when in fact, she wanted to go back home to her studies. She was an exceptional girl with great knowledge yet didn't dare to use it properly. But watching her, I was pretty sure, she would become quite an influential person one day. I was rooting for her at least.


After the breakfast, everyone got up and walked over to the tournament's place. The competitions went on and on and Katharina was cheering for everyone she knew yet was kind of wishing she would see Yunho somewhere. But not this time. When Seungjun won the archery competition, she ran over to him and congratulated him. Afterwards, she asked him about their friend, but he shrugged his shoulders: "He's not competing today." Katharina pouted a bit but accepted it rather quick, returning to her place. As she sat down, she felt the Prince's eyes on her, wondering why he was observing her since earlier. She shrugged it off, but a certain feeling lingered in her chest. She seemed to slowly realize something she couldn't put in words yet.

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