Emperor Jinmu

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A/n: I will write two to four sentences about the historical background of every role model for the members' stage names within the story. It may or may not have a meaning for the associated chapters, depending on what I can do with it. Personally, I just found it interesting.


Historical background:
Jinmu was the first Emperor of Japan. He is believed to be of divine descent and his accession (11th of February 660 BC) is Japan's National Foundation Day.

I had wandered through the vast garden. I had to admit that they had a beautiful estate. At the moment I sat on the grass, right in front of a flower bed and tried to draw it. "My Lady", I heard behind me and looked over my shoulder. A young man stood there and bowed deeply. "Yes?", I asked and turned to him. "Excuse my bold approach but I need to take care of this flower bed now. Therefore, I am afraid but – Could you move a bit?" "Oh, sure, I am sorry." "I am the one to say sorry, my Lady." "Oh, just call me Katy, I am fine with that." "I don't dare to." "Well, you are allowed, but it's up to you if you want to or not. However, is it okay if I sit down over there?" "Whatever is comfortable for you, my Lady." I nodded and stood up, moving over to a bench and sat down again.

I looked at my drawing. I wasn't unbelievable good at it, but I wasn't the worst. I put my sketchbook aside and watched the young man doing his work. I had loved working in the garden with my parents. It was relaxing. However, I soon furrowed my brows and walked over to him again. "A bouquet?", I asked and he flinched. I laughed: "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." "It's all good, my Lady", he said and smiled. "For what occasion is the bouquet?", I asked. He blushed and I realized that I had asked very boldly. It wasn't my business. "Oh, you don't have to answer", I added at the same time as he already confessed: "It's for the guests." We looked at each other and laughed. I sat down next to him and took some of the flowers. "Mind if I help you? I like doing this", I said and he shrugged his shoulders. Happily, I started to arrange the flowers. "What is your name by the way?", I asked. "Sungho, my Lady", he answered. I smiled widely and reached out my hand to him: "Hi Sungho, I'm Katy. Nice to meet you." Hesitantly, he took my hand and shook it.

We talked for quite a while. I showed him some tricks on how to make the bouquet look better and we already had made quite a lot while wandering around the garden. "Thank you for helping me", Sungho said and bowed. I rolled my eyes and motioned him to stand back up again. At least he didn't say "My lady" at the end of every sentence anymore. "Oh, don't worry, I enjoyed it a lot", I said and smiled at him. "May I be so impudent to say...", he started and looked at me unsurely. I looked back at him curiously and tried to encourage him to go on. "You are a lot nicer than most of the other royals." I laughed and confessed: "I usually feel more comfortable around non-royals, to be honest." "Well, I am enlightened to know you enjoyed it then", Sungho smiled. "I did", I nodded.


Arthur sighed and put his book down. He couldn't concentrate on literature now. Suddenly a clear, bright laugh interrupted the silence. Curiously, he got up and walked towards the chattering he now recognized. Peeking around a hedge, he saw Lady Katharina and Mujin talking. Next to them stood a basket full of flowers and the woman held a bouquet. What was going on now? Arthur scratched his head. Did Mujin fall for her? No way! Or maybe...? Shaking his head, he attempted to go back to his bench, but his friend already saw him and discreetly motioned him to come over. Confused, he walked towards them. He didn't have a chance anymore, after all.

"My Lady, may I introduce you to Yunho?", Mujin said and pointed to his friend, "Another non-royal whose company is very enjoyable. I have to leave, but maybe he wants to entertain you." Mujin bowed and Arthur raised an eyebrow. Yunho? Non-royal? Entertain? What was going on here? He looked over to the young woman as she bowed. "Nice to meet you", she laughed, "I am Katy." He looked back and forth and slowly got a grasp of what his friend was doing now. He turned to the Lady fully and bowed as well. Smiling, he answered: "It's my honour, my Lady."

"She asked me a lot about this garden that I couldn't answer, but maybe you know more, Yunho", Mujin said, "Would you want to answer all the Lady's questions?" Arthur looked at his friend, unsure what to say. "I can try. But I can't promise to know everything", he finally spoke. Basically, he didn't really have a clue about the garden. He enjoyed the atmosphere but barely went into details about plants or stuff like that. "Don't worry, you'll be fine", Mujin grinned and patted his friend's shoulder encouragingly. "I promise to not be mean to you if you can't answer something", Katharina smiled. Arthur automatically smiled right back. "Let's try then", he said and realizing that he was supposed to be a servant right now, he swiftly added: "My Lady." "Perfect", the Lady grinned, "Then let's go." The two of them haven't even realized Mujin quietly leaving.

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