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I glared at the throne. For the time being, it was empty. That's why my aunt hadn't said anything until now. We both knew, I would at least be polite once I had to be. The doors opened and a whisper filled the hall. I turned to see why and immediately knew. Almost forgetting to bow down, I lowered my head as my aunt nudged me. Okay, which one of those seven young royals was the Prince now? And why did no one show his face? They all wore masks! Still looking very confused, I straightened my posture again as the King told us to and put on a polite face despite my brain working hard. "Welcome", the King spoke and greeted everyone separately before going on saying flowery things while I glimpsed over to the other two girls. Beauties, indeed. And much more enthusiastic it seems. Well, one of them looked quite arrogant to be fair. What was her name again? Sophia? No. That was the other one. Right, Eleanora. "We hope you'll enjoy your stay here", the King ended and I almost flinched. Did I miss something? I would have to ask my maid later. Bowing one last time, we waited until the whole royalty left the room and then followed, everyone headed for our own rooms.

"You didn't get one word, did you?", Lilly asked me. I smiled sarcastically: "I was too enchanted by the Prince's face." The maid laughed and explained: "Basically they said that you can tell them whenever you need anything and to just feel at home here." It felt like a stab in the heart for me shortly, making me declare: "My home was where I used to live with my parents." The room grew silent upon my statement. "I'm sorry", Lilly whispered, but I brushed her comment off. It was no one's fault. "It's alright", I sighed and smiled at the other one, "Thanks for briefing me."

"Duchess Elisa Mowbray and her niece Lady Katharina Mandeville", the servant introduced us and we bowed deeply before striding over to the others. It was the welcoming ball and I was deeply bored already. The Prince was somewhere over there, but still wore his mask. He couldn't be that ugly. And looking at Eleanora, I knew he would get a woman even when he was the ugliest person ever. I supressed a sigh and instead took a deep breath. The King stood up and said: "Prince Arthur shall start the dance." He motioned over to the seven masked people. I grinned. If the Prince could wear a mask, then so could I. My aunt had been furious, but I was too stubborn to take it off again. Now, let's see who the Prince was.

I watched them as one took a step forward. He was tall. I was literally dumbfounded as he came straight towards me and too flustered to say anything, I just took his offered hand and let myself get dragged on to the dance floor. As the music started, I danced along automatically and slowly came back into reality. I realized his wide smirk and grimaced. "What it is?", I asked a bit grumpy. Don't you think I was flustered because of your unseen surely-oh-so-beautiful-face. "I surprised you", he said proudly. I swallowed a sarcastic comment. I was a Lady and I had to behave like one. "You did", I admitted. He grinned and continued: "Well, to be fair, you surprised me as well." I raised my eyebrows, sincerely confused. "What? I mean... How?", I asked curiously. "Why the mask?", he asked. "I could ask that right back", I answered. He shrugged: "Would you let it count if I tell you I am shy?" I chuckled: "Shy? I can't imagine you being shy." I paused and studied his expression before adding: "But for now, I might consider it a valid answer." He laughed and stated: "I like your attitude." I blushed a bit. Usually, my attitude was my biggest flaw around royals. "You're just bringing out the worst in me, I guess", I continued amused, "After all, I normally am a very lovable person." He grinned: "Do I have to apologize?" I laughed: "Not as long as you still like my attitude." "Sounds good", he nodded grinning.

We danced and joked through the next and even the third dance, before he bowed elegantly and confessed: "I guess I need a break. And my dad will probably kill me if I would dance with only one woman, especially if I tell him that it was solely the mask drawing me to her." Well, thank you very much for that compliment. Ignoring the hopefully unintended clumsiness of his comment, I tilted my head: "The mask?" He nodded and explained: "I quite liked the subtle sass you showed by wearing one as well." I beamed proudly. Better. "Well then", Prince Arthur smiled and blew a kiss on my hand, "It was my honour." I bowed and answered: "Mine as well." I was still looking on the floor as I felt his hand gently playing with one of my loose hair strands. "However, just know that true beauty doesn't need a mask", he whispered and I blushed again. I looked up but he already had turned and was on his way to one of his friends. I spent the rest of the evening, trying to not think about his words too much while dancing with some others. He probably was raised a gentleman the same way I had learned how to be charming and it was an automatism for both of us. Or so I guessed.


"Arthur, Arthur... That was three dances. Did you like that girl?", Mujin grinned at his friend. "Woman", the young Prince corrected him unexpectedly, "I mean... I... I was studying the mask's design." He didn't want to admit that he quite enjoyed her company. Now, that doesn't mean anything, but it was a better start than he thought. He nudged his friend: "Don't let her dance with my cousin. He would only step on her feet. He's a terrible dancer." Mujin grinned knowingly, but just nodded. Arthur watched him as he walked over to the Lady to have the next dance with her.

After dancing with the other two, he knew that they were exactly the kinds of girls he had expected. The first one – Sophia – nice and polite, but without character. She agreed to everything he said and was probably a very comfortable wife, yet he needed someone who had at least some obvious passion. And Eleanora? She had that. But one that was directed the wrong way. She was the typical "nice on the outside, pure evil on the inside"-kind of girl. He needed someone real, someone he could rely on. He glimpsed over to Katharina and she caught his gaze. The last sentence he said to her had just slipped out his mouth without realizing – a polite phrase like those he had learnt over the time. But he found himself meaning it. Katharina was a beauty. They smiled at each other shortly before she turned back to her dancing partner – Dann – and laughed about something he had said. Arthur would have to ask him about their talk later. Not that he was jealous, not at all! He was just curious...

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