Chapter 1: Baby Blue

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This chapter is called Baby blue




"Wakey wakey.....eggies and...."

"Pancakey" murmured a girl with shoulder length blue hair as she slowly got up from her dream. Finishing off what her alarm ringtone was going to say. Of course, the word 'pancakey' would get her up and going. Yet, why did it makes her recall something...
Pancakes.... Pancakey.... Pan.... Cake....
She shot right up...just about the time her mother Chili open the door to her room

"First day of school" they both said at the same time. They stood there for a second realizing it before they broke into giggles.
"C'mon sweetheart, get ready and please help me wake up your sister"
"Sure thing mum, but wasn't she the one who wanted to wake up by herself yesterday? "
Chili sighed and just gave a slight smile of gratitude towards her first child.
"Just..... Please wake her up... I've tried the last couple of minutes."

Ah, that's right... She was in her last year of middle school. A year where most of us were excited for the last year they refereed to them as tweens.... Or whatever that meant. Although, she was happy she was nervous as well. While choosing her clothes for the day and debating whether jeans or a jumper would work. A friend had jumped over the fence of her house and yelled her name.


"Wooooaaahhh, what is going on with you mate" said Bluey's father, Bandit.

"Oh thank GOD, I thought I missed the bus and Bluey" he replied as he was offered a glass of orange juice from Chili.

"That's right, yesterday you two agreed to walk to the bus stop together along with Bingo" recalled Chili.

"Yeah, although we also agreed that if Judo found out about this she was going to take half the blame"

"No, I did not" said Bluey " besides, didn't you say you just didn't want to hangout with Judo because for some reason she has been acting too nice towards you, Lucky" while walking into the kitchen with a half awake Bingo getting tugged along.

"...well she.... HAS... Been acting a bit weird" recalled Lucky " but let's admit it, she's never THAT nice"

"Hmmmm, anyway kids breakfast is ready! Oh, would you like some too Lucky?."
"Yes, please Mrs. Heeler"

As they were brunching, Bluey thoughts over came her. Her last year of middle school, the less time she'd probably share with Bingo, or her friends for that matter. Speaking of which....

" Hey Lucky, so who you get this year as homeroom"

Munch munch "I think a miss.... Poodle...." Munch munch... " miss something... I don't know to be honest. I was to busy puttin' stuff in my backpack this morning that I honestly just slid the paper into my bag"

'Of course you would've' Bluey thought to herself as she gave him her signature scrunched up nose look as a response. They kept eating with Bingo laughing at the new way Lucky has began to talk, making it harder and harder for Bandit to consider that Lucky's dad had something to do with it and a wary Chili confused on how to handle the situation.

She checked her phone and turn towards the kiddos... "Wackadoo, you guys are going to be late catching the bus in the next 15 minutes if you don't... "


"... hurry and fini-.... Ahhh ... Ummm.... They are gone. And obviously I didn't get to give the two a good luck kiss on their first day. " Chilli finished. Bandit chuckles and kisses Chilli on the forehead.
" you know babe, we can still catch up to them and see them off before work you know" he said, giving her a smirk and a look of competitive challenge...

" fine, don't whine the way back that YOU didn't give them a good luck kiss either if we don't make it" she retorted making her run for it.

'hey, no fair. You didn't even AGREED to it first"
'Ohhhh did I actually had to agree to it? ' Chilli said laughing as she made her way through the door leaving her husband behind.


Authors note:
Well this is my first chapter and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as it was fun writing it.
Of course... I'm thinking of updating twice a week.... Depending on "life" schedule. Either way.... I would love to hear your guys opinion on the first chapter. It will be great feedback for me.
Once again, thank you for giving this fanfiction au a try!!!

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