Ch. 17

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Macy's POV.

It's the next day after the whole chaos that happens to me. After we made it back to the Red Blood pack Chris help me to the pack hospital. the doctor took the bullet out so now I have to wear a sling to support my arm.

Right now we are driving back to Portland because Amber is not allowed to shift and nobody wants to carry her let alone touch her after she hurt their future Luna. so I'm in a car with Sam's dad and Nathan's.while the pack warriors are in one behind us with Amber.

Alpha Chris's phone goes off and he answers it: hello?

It's for you he says handing me his cellphone.

(Macy, Sam, and Nathan convo)

Sam: "Baby are you there?"

Me: Sam I'm here, I was so lucky your dad got there before she tried to kill me I was so afraid to lose you and Nathan I said trying not to cry.

Nathan: "Did they kill her?"

Me: "No I think they bring her back so you guys could decide what to do with her?"

Nathan: " there's nothing to decide about we're going to kill her and Sam agrees with me he declares."

Sam: "Yeah, Macy there's no other choice, she's hurt you way too many times and that's not okay with us."

Me: "Let's talk about it when we are together okay, I gotta go I'll see you guys in a couple of hours I love you."

(End of Convo)

I hung up after they said their I love you's and sighed. I understand what Amber did was bad, but to take for life didn't sit with me. After the next hour, I think I fell asleep because when I woke up we were entering the pack lands.

Oh, good you're awake Mike says turning to me from the passenger seat.

I smiled at him while I stretched my body as well as I can in the back seat.

We finally get to the front of the house and I see everyone there including my parents, grandma, aunt Harriet, and my cousin Jake as well.

I get out, Nathan and Sam are at my side pulling me against them. One was sniffing my hair and the other kissed me on my mark making me shiver. I try to wrap them both to me, but it only made me moan in pain.

They pulled away with worried looks. Macy are you okay Sam says?

I give him a tight smile, I'm fine but my shoulder hurts I tell them. Then I move out of the way to go hug my parents.

Sweetie, Sam called us to tell us what was going on and your grandma overheard and wanted to come and visit she says hinting me to make sure not to show what Nathan and Sam are.

Grandma, Aunt Harriet, and Jake what are you all doing here I asked hugging them.

Well, I overheard your mom on the phone talking to this Sam guy and heard them saying you got kidnap so we all came Aunt Harriet says.

I nod in understanding, well now that Macy's home we should go home my dad said coming up to us.

Let me just say bye to some people I say going to Sam and Nathan.

Do you have to go Nathan asked?

I put my hand on his face I'll be back later I promise.

With that, the girls and I go into the house and went to grab our bags.  As I'm heading downstairs I hear screaming as I enter the living room and see Jake holding  Nathan by the throat. I dropped my bag before I run up to them, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" I roared running towards them.

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