Chapter Fourteen

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Cigarette in one hand, drink in other, Jungkook watched idly as car after car swept into his land, none of them yet containing what he was truly waiting for. Sighing, he took a final drag of his smoke, before crumpling it into the railing of the balcony; he never usually utilised the ornate fixture at the front of property, much preferring his own private one, but knew that there was no use in trying to hideaway tonight. He walked back into the room where Taehyung and Jimin were sat, with Jin, another of his closer circle, needed tonight to verify that the necklace that would be brought back to him was genuine. The men were sprawled around the multitude of couches and chairs there, all dressed up for the occasion.

"Any luck?" Jimin asked, not bothering to look up from idly flicking at the phone in his hand.

"Not yet. But Loren only arrived a few minutes ago, so I suspect they won't be very far behind." Considering, he chose a large armchair, flopping down onto it sideways, legs spilling over the side.

"I still don't think she's going to be there." Taehyung voiced, "From the way the organisation works, I don't see why they would let her come, especially because they know you've seen her face. What are you going to do if she's currently on the run somewhere?"

"Oh, she'll be there." Jungkook replied smugly, raising an eyebrow. "She doesn't seem particularly stupid, she'll know that bringing it back to me is the best option she has. I fucking despise those people, but even I have to admire their ability to punish any... insurgent individuals."

"But you said she was loyal." Jin got up, walking towards the window, gesturing for Jungkook to follow him, which he did reluctantly, with a groan. "Taehyung's right, do you have a contingency for if she doesn't show tonight? I know you have a mole in there, but is it worth risking them for this?"

Leaning against the cool railing, Jungkook rolled his eyes at the older man, shaking his head. "I don't need one because I know she'll be here."

"What makes you so sure? Why do you have so much blind faith in this girl?"

"Because." He turned, lips quirking up as he noticed a tell-tale car enter the stone courtyard below, another on it's tail. "She reminds me of me. A lot. Especially in terms of self-preservation. Now I don't have much intel on her, and even the file that my inside man found has very little information about her life before she joined up. But everything that I read in there was enough to tell me that she's someone who would be very helpful if we played our cards right. Tonight will be the first step forward." He tipped his head to the side, gesturing at the stream of people leaving the two cars. A few of them he was surprised to remember from the club; if they were here then surely—ah. He laughed quietly as the last figure got out, slender and decidedly very blonde in a sleek black dress.

"Her?" Jin picked up, scrutinising the girl, who from body language alone looked to want to be anywhere but here. "That was the girl who knocked you out?"

Scowling at his playful jibe, Jungkook rolled his eyes. "I told you she drugged me. Do you really think I couldn't take her on easily?" Ignoring pesky flashbacks of a cool blade at his throat and a solid knee pinning him down, he turned away, briskly making his way through the room—the men fell in line behind him. "Now all the players are here. This should be a very interesting night."


She was either going to throw up, pass out or confess everything to the people sat in the car with her—probably all in quick succession, preferably none of them. As she stared out at the blurred lights flashing past the window, all Lisa could think about was the heavy weight of the necklace, pulling down at her scalp, and the equally dangerous ring that she had almost forgotten about, and had unceremoniously shoved down into the side of her bra before leaving. The journey was one she had taken only once before—God she wished she could go back to her past self, who had been full of anticipation for a good night, and give her a good shake, stop her from setting off the unpleasant chain of events that left her here, with a 99% chance of being killed at some time within the next couple of days. The familiar road rushed past far too quickly for her liking, and before she knew it, they had pulled up into the grand driveway, a vast stone area that opened out into the grounds and the grandiose mansion that housed the root cause of all her current problems. The rest of them piled out, leaving her a split-second to pull herself together, before she too stepped out into the cool night, eyes locked on the two huge guards manning the doors. How they had managed to get put onto the guest list she would never know; when she had asked Jisoo out of sheer curiosity, when she was doing intel for her personal cause, the other girl had launched into a long explanation involving security codes and access pathways and other things that made her realise how out of her depth she was about such things—it made her even more thankful that she hadn't had to force her way in herself.

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