Chapter 16 "The Plan is Going In Motion"

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Harry’s POV

After waiting for five very long hours, Liam, Niall and Dylan finally wake up after being knocked out by Damon and his followers. Sara hugs Liam really tight, she was so afraid she would lose him; Liam strokes her hair and rocks her back and forth. I’ve notice ever since Sara met me, she has changed. She lets her emotions out a lot more than before.

“Sara, we need to strike back” Dylan says standing up weakly.

“Are you serious?” Sara snaps getting out of Liam’s hands.

“Dylan, are you insane” Niall snaps standing next to Sara hovering over Dylan madly.

“Enough leave her alone” Liam snaps at the two.

“Just because your dating don’t defend her! She is mad! You three could of been killed last time!” Sara snaps.

“We were ambushed! That’s different!” Dylan says standing up.

“GUYS SHUT UP!” I scream and everyone shuts up and turns towards me.

“Sorry” They all mumble then Sara walks over to me.

“We need a plan if we are going through with this” Sara says and we all nod.

“I will get Louis and bring him here” I say and i speed out of their house, arriving to mine and Louis’s apartment.

Niall’s POV

We all sat in the lounge room waiting for Harry & Louis to return. They both speed through the door and sit down next to Sara. We all get in a circle and we started our plan. After about seven hours of full on planning we headed to bed and i watched Harry and Sara head to her room, and then Dylan and Liam walking to Dylan’s room leaving Louis to stay in Liam’s. I walked into mine and started playing my guitar.

Hours Later

I woke up to Sara hovering over me about to pour water over me to wake me up. I jumped off the bed and tackled her to the ground laughing along with her. I then started tickling her sides and she laughed even louder.


“No way” I say laughing evilly.

Then i can hear running feet and i look at my door to see Dylan and Liam furious then their faces soften.

Beware Of Darkness ➵ StylesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ