The music filled my entire body as I savoured the moment. I didn't mess up a single word, keeping the vocals reserved as I sang the verses. I lifted my hands to the microphone stand. As soon as the chorus hit, I pulled the microphone off its stand and just let loose. I was so completely free as I belted out those notes with the crowd singing along with me. I felt so alive.

I know I'm out of my depth, but I just float in it
I'm trying to do my best, stop picking fights with it
I wanna be upset, you're not alright with it
I can cover it up, I can cover it
I'm trying to speak my mind, wish it was by design
But I can only confess to having doubts with it
Don't wanna feel regret, I'm not alright with it
I can cover it up, I can cover it
(I can cover it up, I can cover it up)

I began singing and dancing with the band. I could feel the energy from the crowd. For the first time I didn't feel the crowd melt away. I was aware of them but they were feeding me. I was having so much fun. I could see why performers chased that performance high. It was intoxicating.

Once the song was over, the crowd's cheers reached a deafening crescendo. Rebecca came over to give me a hug. I handed her back the microphone and gave a quick bow before heading backstage.

As soon as I was backstage, Reid picked me up in a giant hug as he peppered my face with kisses. "You were fucking amazing! I am so proud of you Princess." I laughed as my friends joined in our hug. I couldn't believe that I actually just did that. Melody would be so proud of me.

The rest of the concert was so much fun. We couldn't talk much, but we danced our hearts out. We were brought drinks by the roadies and given the five-star treatment. Reid could barely keep his hands off of me. I didn't mind in the slightest. It was nice to know we could keep the passion alive.

When the concert was over the band came bouncing off stage. All four of them practically tackled me on their way. Unfortunately, they were practically covered in sweat and kinda gross. "Holy shit Oli you killed it! They fucking loved you!" Dean said as he wrapped me up in a headlock.

"Ew! You smell disgusting." I gagged as I pushed him off. I was still laughing the entire time. The euphoria that came from playing for such a large crowd was hitting me hard.

"So has the bug bitten you? Gonna release an album and tour and all that fun jazz?" Rebecca asked as we made our way to the green room.

"Hell no! One and done, that good enough for me!" I answered. I saw Reid walking in front of us and decided to run up and jump on his back. He staggered for a moment before he caught himself. "Not with you though baby," I whispered in his ear.

We were all laughing our asses off by the time we made it to the green room. Reid deposited me on the couch before sitting down and dragging me onto his lap. Everyone was handed drinks as we began to celebrate the night. Reid stood up and got everyone's attention. "Alright guys, quiet. I have a few things to say! First, here's to an amazing debut and hopefully not a final show from my amazing unbelievably hot wife."

"To Olive!" Everyone cheered. Reid picked me up and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

"Alright, now we have an excited announcement that I think you're all going to love this one." Reid looked down at me with the biggest smile across his face.

"I'm pregnant!" The entire room swarmed us in a giant group hug as they all began congratulating us.

"With twins!" Reid added and I think they all lost their minds. It was about the same reaction Reid and I had when we found out. I was terrified, but I knew that Reid was going to by my side through it all. If you would have told me three years ago that I'd have sung a song on stage with my favourite band with my husband cheering me on backstage, while expecting twins, I would have told you were insane. Yet there I was living it! I'm the luckiest woman there is.

I had finally come to realize that there is nothing wrong with being the main attraction... well... sometimes that is.

The End

Author's Note:

Thank you everyone for all the reads, comments, and votes! I hope you all enjoyed reading Main Attraction as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Now, if you did enjoy Main Attraction, please consider checking out my previous works and following me here to stay up to date with all my latest releases. Most are going to be on my Inkitt page, you can find me at Ejcornish. I am working on a follow up that centers around a grown up Melody and how she navigates adulthood. It's going to be queer and a lot of fun. I am in the final year of my degree and haven't had as much time to write as I would like so it may be a bit before I'm ready to start posting. I will keep you all up to date with when it is coming!

Thank you once again for reading. For sneak peeks on my future releases, check me out on Instagram!

Sending you all lots of love,

EJ Cornish

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