Chapter 11

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It was hard to find time for us all together that week. Melody was back to her dance class on Monday nights and karate on Wednesdays. Her arm was still in a cast but she could still do some of the activities. Then Will had soccer on Tuesdays. I had to work late on Thursday and Reid had an event on Friday. Reid took care of the kids Thursday and I had them Friday. We knew that he was going to get home after bedtime so Will had a bag packed to spend the night in the guest bedroom.

He texted me well after ten that he was at the door. I slipped out of bed and threw on my robe before I let him in. He silently followed me in, looking handsome as hell in his suit, and we went right to bed. He stripped down to his boxers and slid into bed beside me. He pulled me close placing a sweet kiss on my lips. "I missed you this week." He whispered.

"Me too. Life with kids is hectic."

"What do you think about going to the park tomorrow? Have a nice little picnic and enjoy the sunshine."

I groaned. I wished that I could, but no, I had to spend the day with my asshole ex. "That sounds so much better than what I have to do tomorrow."

"What do you have to do?" He asked.

"It's Brian's Saturday. We have to go hang out in Brian's bachelor pad. I have to be there."

"Right, I forgot."

"I just want to stay in bed with you all day."

He chuckled as he pulled me closer. I breathed in his comforting sandalwood scent. His lips pressed to the top of my head as he began playing with my hair. "How about after, we all go out for dinner? Then we can all come back here, watch a movie, and forget your visit ever happened."

"I like the sound of that."

He gave me a kiss and we fell asleep together. No sex, just cuddling. We were too exhausted to do anything more.


The next morning, Reid and Will left for swimming while I got Melody ready for her dad's. I put her in a cute dress and did her hair so we could go right to dinner afterwards. I put on a summer dress too. I wanted to show off my legs. I knew Reid would appreciate it. I threw on a denim jacket over top since I am literally always cold.

"Okay Mama. Let's get this over with." Melody said with a determined look on her face.

I laughed as I dug through my purse looking for my keys. "Shit. Where did I put them?"

"Language! If I can't say it neither can you! Remember?"

"Sorry Monkey. Have you seen my keys?"

She sighed, walking off to look for my keys. She was probably just as likely to hide them instead of finding them right now. I did promise that if she was good she could have ice cream for dessert so that could be in my favour. She came around the corner and handed me my keys with her signature eye roll. "There you go."

I locked the door and we started towards the car. "So where were they?" I asked.

"Doll house."

"Well, that's stranger than usual."

"I think we should warn Reid before you lose his keys too."

I laughed as I helped her into her car seat. We put on the radio and jammed out. Melody was singing along to some Metallica. It had to be the cutest thing ever. Her little girl voice contrasting with the heavy song. I was just proud she had good music taste. When we pulled up to Brian's place I managed to record some of Melody's singing and playing air guitar to send to Reid. I figured he'd enjoy it.

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