"Well then this time, I'm threatening you with marriage!" You blink twice at your mom's voice, scoffing at the older's threat. "Yang Jeongin aka my mother, please don't make me shoot you. I'm not getting married"

"Then come home! This afternoon or I'll say yes to Mr. Yoon! Jeonghan is a nice guy" Too tired to fight her back, you silently hung up the phone. Immediately picking up your stuff, you waddled out of your office "I hate it when this happens"

Hours later, you found yourself in front of the small yet luxurious and cozy house. Of course, your parents could've easily lived in a mansion if it wasn't for your dad having a huge ass pride in spending his own money. Not that you complained, but someone has to use the money you made. Not even caring to take your stuff, you trotted up the stairs, hearing the loud cackle of your elder brother complaining to your mom.

You had to admit you missed the wildness, but can't show that to the evil world outside. Even at the very moment, you feared if there were any other Mafia's watching your family. "Aunty y/n came!" You heard Chan's yell from the intercom. He was probably watching you. Awkwardly waving at the cam, the door was soon opened to reveal your mom and dad. Unlike the last time, they both looked quite modern. Hawaii patterned clothes, sunglasses, and apple products. A side of you hoped that they purchased it with your money because you wanted them to use the money you were bundling up.

"Oh My! You're so thin!" Your Mom aka Mrs. Lee or Jeongin gasped as she pulled you inside. "But I gotta say- you look good like me" Added your dad, smirking at you. Returning the gesture with an awkward laugh, you walked between them. "My y/n!" Yelled your brother Jisung, who you thought was cheating on his wife with Seungmin's wife. Your in-laws and brothers were crazy.

"Hey" You greeted the man with a side hug and saw Lee Chan and Changbin pacing towards you. Now you weren't much of a 'kid' friendly person, but they were your family.

"Hey... Chanin and Han!" The two momentarily stopped, the rest of your family staring at you in shock. "It's Changbin and Chan," Seungmin said, emerging from the living room. "Ahh! Yeah-um right" You laughed taking Seungmin in a hug too. "Nice to meet you" He greeted.

"Finally!" Exclaimed Hyunjin; your first sister-in-law, Jisung's wife, is known to be impressed easily and is dramatic. Changbin and Chan are their productions while Minho and Seungmin are still in the 'newly weds' section.

"Come inside- I chopped up some watermelon," Minho's voice said as you looked over to see a very muscular Minho holding up a wet red knife. Stopping yourself from thinking back to when you stabbed an assassin to death yesterday, you answered. "Yeah sure"

"How have you been?" Your mom asked while all nine of you were seated on the living room couch. Chan and you squished on the love seat. You had to admit he was a lot bulkier for a five-year-old. "I've been well- just going around and stuff" You replied, looking at her.

Jeongin sighed dramatically and said "You're doing well with the company alone, why do you need to do Mafi-" yongbok immediately shoved a piece of a watermelon inside her mouth, hoping to stop her from saying anything further. Your mafia job was classified news to your relatives and siblings except of course your parents.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Changbin asked, spitting out a seed and staring at his grandma. "Nothing kid" You answered, deepening your voice and glaring at him. Which successfully shivered the teenager.

"What do you do these days Hyunjin-ah?" Asks old man felix, Smiling at the mentioned daughter-in-law. "I'm into clothes shopping now" She answered and fixed her cap, while Jisung pretended or maybe genuinely made heart eyes. "Oh! Y/n and Minho you both should join me next time! We can have a girl-time!" Minho and you blankly stared at the older women, nodding a second later. "And I'm into working out, join me too i guess" Minho's idea rather perked your ears, hoping it would be better to work out with someone than being alone. "Hmm mm"

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