Chapter 28

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"Where's Harry?" I ask Hermione in panic.

"Follow me." She says before dashing off. Me and Mattheo soon follow her quickly.

"Y/n!" Harry says as we walk into where they were. Harry was with Ron. They were standing next to Snape, he was dead.

A sudden noise that hurt my ears came out of no where. It seemed that we all heard it.

"What's that noise?" I say as Hermione covered her ears to block out the noise.

"Harry and Y/n Potter, I speak directly to you." The noise had a voice. The voice started the talk. "On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you." The voice continued.

It was Voldemort.

"Rather than face me yourself. There is no greater honour. Join me in the forbidden forest and confront your date." The voice said.

This was it. I was going to die. And so was Harry.

"If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries and conceals you from me." The voice finished.

"The battles already started. And it's about to finish." I quietly say.

"It'll finish with us." I turn to Harry as we both looked at eachother.

"Y/n, Harry, I'll go with you." Hermione said with tears in her eyes.

"No Hermione." I said.

"Kill the snake. Kill the snake, then it's just him. Then it will be over." Harry said.

We both hugged Hermione and said our goodbyes to her and Ron before we headed off to the forbidden forest.

I gave Mattheo one last look before I turned around and left.

We soon arrived at the forbidden forest. We took a deep breath and walked closer to where Voldemort was.

"The girl and boy who live, have cane to die!" Voldemort announced as we stood infront of him.

Me and Harry looked at eachother one last time as we heard the words.

"Avada Kedavra!" He casted the spell and a big white mist flashes over the forest.

It was dark.
It didn't feel real.
I woke up.
How was I alive?
Was I in heaven?
Was I dead?

When I slowly stood up, wherever I was, I saw Harry and we both looked ad confused as eachother. We looked around to see all the walls and floor was all bright and white.

I was definitely dead.

We both suddenly turned around to see Dumbledore standing before us.

I am most certainly dead.

"Harry, Y/n, you are two very brave children. Let us walk." Dumbledore said.

Me and Harry gave eachother a confused look but we didn't hesitate to go follow Dumbledore.

"Sir, this, is this...I mean, forgive me, but you are dead, aren't you, sir?" Harry stuttered.

"Oh, yes." He quickly answered back.

"Then, we are dead too?" I asked, still confused.

"Ah. That is the question, isn't it? On the whole, I think not." He calmly answered.

So, I'm not dead? But I am?

"But we let him kill us." I said, hoping for more answered.

"And that will, I think, have made all the difference. I suspect you both now realise that you and Voldemort have been connected by something other than fate since that night in Godric's Hollow all those years ago." Dumbledore explained.

"Its true, isn't it, sir? A bit of him lives in us, doesnt it?" Harry asked.

"Did. It was just destroyed only moments ago by none other than Voldemort himself." Dumbledore told us.

"And you knew this? That's why you were certain we wouldn't die." Harry asked.

"Certain? No. Little is certain in this world. Call it an educated guess." Dumbledore answered.

"Exactly where are we, sir?" I asked.

"I was going to ask you that, where would you say that we are?" Dumbledore asked.

"It looks like Kings Cross Station, only alot cleaner. And without the trains." I answered.

"Kings Cross! Is that right? Well, this is, as they say, your party." He explained.

"We've got to go back, don't we?" Harry sighed.

"That is up to you both." Dumbledore answered.

"We get a choice?" I asked, surprisingly.

"Oh yes, we are in Kings Cross, you say? I think, should you so decide, you would be able to, let's say, board a train." He explained.

"Is this real? Or had this been happening inside our heads?" Harry asked.

"Of course it's happening inside your heads. But why should that mean that is it not real?" Dumbledore asks before the white mist comes back and he disappears.


Me and Harry played dead as we got carried somewhere.

"Harry and Y/n Potter are dead!" Voldemort happily announced as all the death eaters started laughing.

"No, No!" Someone screamed. It sounded like Ginny.

"Come forth and join us!" Voldemort shouted.

"Draco." I could hear Lucius harshly say.

"Well done Draco." I heard Voldemort say a few seconds later.
Draco must have joined the death eaters.

Nevielle walked up but didn't join them, he made a speech instead. At the end of his speech, Harry flipped out of Hagrids arms and I did the same but out of someone else arms and onto the ground. Everyone looked In amazement.

"Confringo!" I casted a spell to the death eaters.

Me and Harry ran through the courtyard as Voldemort kept fireing spells at us.

"Get everyone in the castle, we need to kill the snake." Harry said as we made our way to the castle doors.

Most of the death eaters had either ran away or apparated away.

Me and Harry ran into the castle to try and find the and but Voldemort found us and started fireing more spells.

"Y/n, stay back!" Harry shouted but we were both cornered. Voldemort was at one end and the snake was at the other.

Harry and Voldemorts spells kept going until they clashed. Harry fired the spell up at the ceiling and it came crashing down so we had time to escape. We both ran back to the courtyard.

Voldemort was picking up his wand as I saw Draco running back towards us.

"Draco, what are you doing? You need to go, now!" I tried to make him leave.

"Ah, Draco is coming to try and save the one he loves." Voldemort mocked.

Draco has his wand pointed at Voldemort but Voldemort has his wand pointed at me. My wand had fell into the ground and I was unable to retrieve it.

"No, no! Kill me, not her!" Draco pleaded at him.

Voldemort didn't seem to take any notice as kept his wand at me.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort shouted with his wand pointed at me.

Suddenly, Draco dashed infront of me and pushed me out of the way. The spell hit him instead.

I can't believe it, he sacrificed himself for me. He died, for me.

He died.

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