Chapter 8

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"Great. I'm late again." I groan as I roll out of bed and fall onto the floor. Why am I always late? I'm the new kid, I should try and make a good impression of myself. I sigh and get ready.

I enter the classroom to see Professor Slughorn and the rest of the class turn to look at me. "Sorry I'm late." I sigh apologetically. "That's quite alright Miss Potter, today we are learning about amortentia today." Professor Slughorn smiled. I went and stood with the other students as I saw Draco looking at me. I looked at him back but he looked away. I know I hurt him and I really wish I didn't. I'm so stupid. If only he knew...

Amortentia is the most powerful love potion  in the world. It smells different to each person, according to what attracts them. Miss Y/n since you were late, could you come up and give an example of what you smell." Slughorn explained and asked politely. "Um, sure." I said. I was very hesitant as I know this won't go well.

"For example I can smell apples..." I take a deep breath and sigh before continuing, "...and cologne." I muttered but loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone started at me and Draco lifted his head up so look at me. He knew it was him and so did everyone else. I rush back to my place and I felt everyone's eyes on me.

During the lesson, I kept catching Draco slightly staring at me none stop. When I looked back, he would turn hid head back around as if he was never looking at me. I don't know what I see in him. Is it his kindness towards me? Am I into the bad boys? I'm not sure how he feels about me but he hates Harry but is nice to me. It's probably a trap and he's trying to get me to earn his trust so he can get his revenge on Harry from me. I couldn't stop thinking about him all lesson.

"Y/n, who did you smell in the amortentia?" Hermione whispered to me curiously. "I don't know." I whispered back making it kind of obvious that I was lying. If I told them it was Draco, they would try and convince me that he is the worst person in the entire world.

As soon as class was over, I ran as fast as I could out the class. I just knew that Draco would follow me and I was right.

"Y/n wait! We need to talk." Draco shouted after me until I came to a stop. "I want your love." I muttered underneath my breath with my back facing him. "I can't hear you, Potter." Draco shouted. "I don't want to be friends!" I blurted as I turned around to face him. "I don't know what is going on but you don't want to be friends? Why?" Draco asked looking quite sad. I didn't want to say much more but I had no choice. I had to was now or never.

"I don't want to be friends, Draco." I said softly as he looked confused. "You don't want to be friends?" He really had no idea what I was about to say. "I don't want to be friends, I want your romance..." I blurted out. I started regretting my decision to tell him as his face dropped. "You'll be caught in a bad romance." He whispered but I smiled at him. "I want your love. Draco, we could write a bad romance." (Yes some of the lyrics are from the song Bad Romance) I saw his face light up.

"You like me, Y/n?" He asked as I started to look worried. Oh no, what have I done? What if he doesn't like me back? I try to act cool about it. "Have i made it that obvious?" I nervously laugh, hoping he feels the same way. "Yes, yes you have. I never thought I would say this to anyone but I like you too. Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I knew something was different about you. I don't really see eye to eye with your brother tho." He confesses and laughs. I let out a sigh of relief. I'm shocked that he had told me all of that considering I havnt known him for long but I'm glad he feels the same. I don't know what to do now. It was getting quite awkward.

"Um- I have to get going but I'll see you tomorrow." I smile as I waved him goodbye. "Bye, Y/n." He smiled back.

Dracos Pov:

I don't know what this feeling inside of me was but when I talked to her, I would get butterflies in my stomach. I feel quite embarrassed that I basically confessed my love towards her but she had to know. I have really fallen for this girl. I know what I need to do.

"Oi Parkinson, I'm out!"" I say to Pansy confidently. " Out of?" She laughs, making me look like a fool. "The game or dare or whatever it was. I can't do it anymore." I spat at her. I can't keep doing this to Y/n, it's not fair. "You can't just forget about this!" She shouted making our argument available to watch by anyone walking by. "I've fallen for her...For real" I whisper so no-one could hear. She gasped in disgust.

"She's going to find out." She sighs as I give her a death stare. She can never find out or she will hate me. "If she finds out, it will break her." My hear broke at saying these words but it was would break her. Pansy smirked, "I'm going to tell her." She teased. She could tell how annoyed I was getting. "Parkinson, don'!" I stormed as I walked off.

Authors note:

I hope you enjoyed Chapter 8. Don't forget to vote!

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