Chapter 23

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Time lapse~ 1 week later

"Y/n, go hide! Now!" Mattheo demands as he barges into my room.

"Wait! What? Why?" I asked, panicking as I didn't know what was going on.

"You need to go, now!" Draco barges into my room.

"Alright alright!" I run out of the room.

As I was about to reach an empty room to hide in, I was stopped.

"Where do you think your going, Potter?" The woman said, coming out from the shadow to show herself.

I recognised that voice anywhere.

"Um- I'm going...outside." I say, trying to distract her before I tried to make an escape.

As I was about to run, I was stopped by a tall figure.

"Not so fast, your not going anywhere." He grinned as I took a step back. It was Lucius Malfoy.

"Father? Bellatrix? What are you doing here?" Draco asks.

"We are here for you and the girl. You did disobey the dark Lord, did you forget?" Lucius evily grinned.

"Your not taking her!" Mattheo pointed his wand out at Lucius and Bellatrix.

"You stupid boy!" Bellatrix shouted at him, raising her wand as Mattheo stood in front of me and Draco.

"Guys, go now!" Mattheo shouted at me and Draco.

"Your not going anywhere!" Lucius stormed.

Me and Draco ran, casting spells at Bellatrix and Lucius. Lucius was blocking the spells, he was too strong.
All we could do was run.

"Keep running, don't stop!" I shout at Draco.

"Get back here, you filthy children!" Bellatrix shouted as we ran faster.

"Draco! Watch out!" I shout and jump in front of Draco as I see his father pointing his wand towards him.

"Pathetic girl!" Lucius scoffed, holding his wand up to me.

"Stay back Y/n!" Draco says as he stands infront of me. He is now facing his father with his wand pointed, ready to cast a spell at any moment.

"You wouldn't hurt your own father, would you Draco?" Lucius sarcastically said.

"For Y/n I would and i'd do it again!" Draco said confidently.

He would hurt his own father just for me? Does he really care that much? I shouldn't be thinking this, this is a life or possibly death situation.

"Oh, come on now Draco. I thought you were on our side." Lucius scoffed.

"I make my own choices now father" Draco announced proudly.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this father-son moment but we really have to go!" Mattheo runs in.

"Stupefy!" I shouted at Lucius as he was distracted. Lucius was flown back as me, Draco and Mattheo ran.

We managed to run out of the house.

"Great, we have no where to go." I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"We could go back to Hogwarts." Mattheo said quietly but loud enough for us to hear.

Hogwarts? Is he mad? He is literally the son of one of the most powerful wizards ever and if he is found at Hogwarts, he could probably go to Azkaban.

"We can't" Draco muttered. "It's too risky. They wont trust us and Mattheo, if you are spotted at Hogwarts it won't go very well." Draco explained. I nodded, agreeing with Draco.

"They trust me and if I'm with you, then they will know that you are not bad. We can't just- explain everything." I said questioning myself if what I had just said made sense.

"What about me? They definitely know who I am and they definitely do not trust me." Mattheo asked, reading his eyebrow.

"If I'm with you, they will know that you are not dangerous as your father wants to kill me. We will just need to explain everything to them before they suspect anything bad." I sighed as Draco and Mattheo looked at eachother and nodded.

"Shall we go then?" I said impatiently.

"Let's do this." Mattheo took a deep breath.


We made it to Hogwarts and entered the castle. We made our way to the great hall. We all took a deep breath as we walked in. Since it was during the day, only a few students and no teachers were there. Three of the few students were Harry, Ron and Hermione. As we opened the door, they turned around in sync and stared at us with their mouths open in shock. We go and sit down next to them.

"Hi guys...were back." I nervously laughed as I didn't know what else to say.

"Why is Draco with you-" Ron started before pausing and gasping. "Is that a Riddle?" He continued in shock as he turned to face Mattheo.

"That's Mattheo Riddle. No one has ever seen him in person before." Hermione explained.

"It's funny because I didn't actually know what he looked like until I was almost killed-" I laughed and scratched the back of my neck. They all stared at me and Mattheo shook his head at me, giving me a seriously? look.

"Dont worry, I've switched sides." Mattheo reassured them.

"Y/n, you've been gone for weeks or even months. Where have you been?" Hermione asked.

"Long story. Basically, I went into hiding as Bellatrix Lestrange tried to kill me so I hide in a forest where I met Mattheo. He went by a different name so I didn't know he was a Riddle. Draco broke up with me and me and Mattheo got quite close...Anyways, a death eater came and took me to Voldemort. I got tortured then Draco and Mattheo saved me so we all went into hiding. Lucius and Bellatrix found us so we came here." I explained.

"Jeez." Harry said, speechless.

"Mattheo, if Dumbledore sees you are here-" Hermione started but was interrupted.

"Yeah...I'm keeping my distance." Mattheo nervously laughed.

"We need your help, we have no where to go." I said.

"Just stay here." Ron stated and shrugged his shoulders.

"That's the thing, we can't stay here." Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes. "We will get caught and Mattheo will no doubt be sent to Azkaban." He explained.

"We can't go back to my father either. We betrayed him and he knows which side we have picked." Mattheo said quietly while looking around, hoping that no one can hear his conversation.

"We could just explain everything to Dumbledore but that won't help how everyone else feels." I sighed.

"Just ignore what everyone else says." Hermione said.

"We don't have many options...let's go talk to him." Draco sighed as we all nodded.

Authors note:

I hope you enjoyed chapter 23. Don't forget to vote!

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