Chapter 25

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Mattheos Pov:

I opened the big heavy doors to reveal  the long, black table sitting in the middle of the room.

The death eater meeting.

"Draco, Mattheo so glad you two could join us." My father started as we sat down in two empty seats. "I know you both have chosen the right side." He continued with an evil smile. I forced out a smile to make me look convincing as Draco did the same. 

"Now, I have a task for both of you to complete." He evily smiled as me and Draco turned around and gave eachother a look.

"Yes father." I gulped.

"Kill Y/n!" He demanded.

"But father-" I stuttered trying to get the words our of my mouth.

I can't kill Y/n and neither can Draco.

"No but! I trust you and Draco to do this task and if you fail, you will both suffer the consequences of death!" He interrupted. "I have wanted to kill that girl for a long time but as you two betrayed us, you must be the ones to do it!" He continued.

I fell back into my chair and waited for the meeting to be over. Once it was over me and Draco hurried out of the Manor as soon as we could.

"We can't kill her Mattheo!" Draco stated as we apparated back to Hogwarts.

"I know, what are we going to do?" I sighed.

"She will want to know what happened in the meeting. we can't just tell her we have to kill her, can we? What should we tell her?" He asked.

"We're gonna have to tell her but we need to find another way." I said.

Draco slightly nodded as we walked into the castle. We walked into the great hall as we knew Y/n would be there.

"Y/n, we need to talk to you." I sighed as we both sat down in the empty spaces next to her.

"What do you need to talk about? Did the meeting go well?" She asked softly.

"Uh- I-" I stuttered. I couldn't find the words to tell her.

"It went fine, they trust us." Draco quickly interrupted as I gave him a what are you doing? look.

"Ok, that's good. I need to go though, I'm meeting Harry. I'll see you later, bye." She said her goodbyes and walked out of the hall, leaving me and Draco.

"Why didn't you tell her?" I asked furiously. I didn't want to tell her but she had to be told.

"She'll freak out! I know She will! We will tell her, just not now. We will tell her soon." He stated.

"Okay fine." I agreed and we both parted our separate ways.

Y/n's Pov:

Draco and Mattheo were acting suspicious after the meeting. They said everything went alright but I just have a feeling that something happened. I told Harry I would meet him so that's what I'm going to do.

I made my way up to the Gryffindor common room to see Harry sitting on a couch.

"Hey harry!" I said as I sat down next to him.

"Hi.." He replied back sounding unsure.

"Whats up?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He's usually really cheery, I don't know what could be wrong.

"You've been hanging around with Malfoy and Riddle alot." He huffed.

"Oh, um- yeah..." I scratched the back of my neck. Now I see the problem. Draco Malfoy and Mattheo Riddle, probably the top two worst people ever.

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