Chapter 24

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We made our way to Dumbledores office. We knocked on the door but didn't wait for an answer until we walked in.

"Y/n? Draco? And a-" Dumbeldore started as we walked in. "A riddle? Get out of here this instant! You cannot be here!" He continued as he turned his attention to Mattheo.

"He's with us." I said before telling him everything that happened.

"We have no where to go." Mattheo said after I finished explaining.

"You can stay here but it is not a smart idea as of the other students." Dumbledore sighed.

"Where can we go then? We are in danger and many people want us three dead!" I raised my voice.

"I have an idea on what you can do but you may not like it." Dumbledore said as we all turned to look at eachother before nodding.

"We will do anything." I said confidently.

"So, what's the idea?" Draco asked impatiently.

"This plan can be dangerous I must warn you. Your father, Mattheo, will still have some trust in you as he would not believe that you would switch sides so quickly. You as well Draco, Voldemort still has faith in you. I suggest that Mattheo and Y/n fake date, this will let your father think that you are trying to betray her and in the end give her to him. If you and Draco tell them about your 'betrayal' they will believe you and have faith in you once more." Dumbledore explained. We were all speechless.

He really wants me and Mattheo to fake date after everything. I know it's fake but I've just broken up with him.

"So, your using us as bait?" I raise my eyebrows and fold my arms.

"No, not bait. He won't trust anyone else." Dumbledore said calmly.

Yeah Yeah actually calm not like in the book compared to the movie when Dumbledore shouted at him CaLmLy.

"If it's the only way, then I'm in." Mattheo sighed as I rolled my eyes.

Not the best time to be sassy.


The next day~

"Hey, Y/n." Mattheo walked up to me with a grin.

"Just because we have to fake date doesn't mean that we have to talk to eachother all the time." I scoffed with a sarcastic tone.

"Well, we won't want people to think that we aren't dating, do we?" He smirked as I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I scoffed as I walked away.

"What are you still doing here!" I huffed as I saw he was walking next to me.

"Am I not allowed to walk to class?" He scoffed.

"You don't have classes, you are literally one of the most feared people in this school right now." I rolled my eyes.

"Stop doing that." He said, folding his arms.

"Doing what?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.

"Rolling your eyes, it's not like your going to find anything." He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"You should keep rolling them. Oh yeah, you won't find anything either." I said and laughed.

He scoffed and stayed silent as we walked.

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