1x5-Date at Night

Start from the beginning

We spent the whole night eating our burgers, taking polaroid pictures and talking about ourselves. After ten days of dealing with supernatural, spending time as a normal teenagers felt so good. "It's getting late, I'll give you a ride come on." Jackson said and helped me standing up. "Okay but we first need to tidy these stuff up." I said, showing the mess we made. "Oh don't worry, Danny got this." He said, I didn't dig much so we went back to his car, chatting while he was driving to my house.

When we arrived, I didn't leave his car for a minute to say thank you but Jackson grabbed my chin gently, pulled me to himself and planted a kiss on my lips- Oh my God he kissed me. I just had my first kiss. My first kiss. But not with Stiles. Okay, I have to admit, that was a bit heartbreaking but it was with Jackson and he was so sweet tonight so... I don't know...

After our kiss, we said goodbye and I went into my house, realized that my father was still not home. "God knows where he is.." I muttered and went upstairs to my room, closed my door and opened the light. I turned to my back to realize Stiles was inside of my room, looking at me like I interrupted him. "Oh my God- Stiles what are you doing in my room? When I'm not at home?"

"Um, well, I have a pretty good explanation for this." He started speaking, I nodded at him to mean continue. "You went out with the devil in disguise, aka Jackson Whittemore. And I wanted to make sure you come home safely."

"Then why do you have a flashlight and my room is THIS messy?" I asked. Did he really go through my stuff? Did he do this because he doesn't trust me? "I have a pretty good explanation for this too."

"Then explain!" I said, I was trying to keep my voice down but it wasn't really possible while thinking that the guy you had a crush on since first grade doesn't trust you. "I was trying to understand if your dad is an abuser or not. I- I couldn't stop thinking about it since the night I saw the bruise in your arm. And I'm not seeing any of them in any other days so I think you're protecting your father."

"Stiles I- I appreciate for your concern but no, my dad is not an abuser. He's just an alcoholic and, rarely he gets aggressive but other than that-"

"Sounded like an abusive dad for me." Stiles muttered, did he really believe that I would give away my father? The only parent I had left? "Stiles thank you for your concern but like I said, my father is totally normal. It's just typical drunk moves."

"My father drinks a lot too Rachel but he never hit me." Stiles said, this time he sounded angry. I had no idea why he was so concerned about my family issues, there was a lot of problems other than mine, why is he trying to solve mine? "Yeah, Stiles okay. Not everyone is as lucky as you. Look, Stiles. I get it, you want to help but you can't help everyone."

"Then tell me why you are sad every minute you're away from your friends. I can see that you're faking it because I did the same before."

"Why do you care so much? Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters. Rachel, you're my friend. And, you're probably the first girl I've ever felt comfortable with. So help me understand you." If he continues speaking, I'll probably cry. So, I decided to open up a little bit. What could possibly go wrong? He won't share it with anyone else, I guess... "Look, Stiles. My father was the best dad you could see in the whole world. He was always coming home with surprises, teaching me how to ride a bike, baking cookies with me, always having my back... He was the best until my mother left us alone. And then he started drinking, got fired from his job, your father fired him, by the way and he's using the money my grandparents are sending for like 6 years. And he's blaming me for my mother's run away and I blame me too. Do you happy that you learnt the whole story?"

"Why do you blame yourself, Rach?" Stiles asked in sweet voice. "Because she never wanted a kid and they always fought because of the trouble I caused. Do you remember the time you fell in a hole in your own yard?"

"Yes but how do you know-"

"I was the one who dig that hole."

"Woah, okay. You should join to a some digging hole club. It was a pretty good hole for a 6 year old kid." He said then stepped closer to me. "Rachel, maybe you were alone before but you're not alone anymore. You have us. You have me. You have Scott, Lydia, Allison. You don't have to stay alone. If you need to, we'll help you no matter what. I'll help you whenever you need me to, even if there's no way to help, I'll find some way and help."

"Thank you, Stiles." Having someone who knows how to make you feel safe? It felt really good. It was the first time I opened up to someone besides Erica and I guess that was what I needed. "So... Tell me, how was your date with Jackson? The one that you ditched our Star Wars night for?" He said to change the subject, obviously, so I won't have that sad face anymore. Smart move.

"First of all, I'm sorry for that. Secondly, you won't believe but it was amazing. He took me to park and he prepared a night picnic for us. With candles and everything. With McDonald's of course and he asked Erica to learn my favorite menu."

"It doesn't sound like Jackson, are you sure it was him?" Stiles joked, smiling widely but something seemed wrong because it wasn't his real smile but I didn't care at that moment. I was in the spell of spending time with Stiles. "Yeah, hundred percent. The best part is, he kissed me." I blurted out, Stiles kept staring at my face for a few seconds. "He kissed you?"

"Yeah. It's hard to believe, right? I mean- He was dating with Lydia, aka the prettiest girl in the school, and he broke up with her and started flirting with me- it's so hard to believe!"

"I didn't know you liked Jackson." Stiles said, almost like he wasn't listening me at all. "Well, I didn't like him at first but, it worths a shot. For a first date it was really cool. I had so much fun talking to normal teenager stuff and if I need to be honest, that was my first date ever and I didn't really picture it that well in my head. But it was perfect. Completely perfect." I said, in reality I was picturing my first date with him. If it was with Stiles, it would be perfect. Completely perfect. "I mean, it was literally perfect. It made me feel special." Liar.

"You are special, Rach. Do you think any other person would accept all of these 'supernatural' things that quickly? You are helping us and you have no reason to help. I'm sorry for saying this but I don't think Jackson cares about you... He tried Allison to make Scott angry, maybe this time he's trying you. Just please don't trust him immediately."

"Stiles I understand your concern but I don't think it's what Jackson is doing. Also, Scott knows about Jackson and I and he's completely okay with it. The only person I need to talk is Lydia." I was trying so hard to not make it obvious that I had a crush on him, not Jackson. Well, I was probably the worst liar on this whole planet but I don't think I was THAT bad anymore. "Okay but don't trust him fully. I just don't want you to get upset."

"I won't, Stiles. Don't worry."

Invisible - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now