"She doesn't like Jagger. That's why," Blake explained.

"Why?" asked Isaac.

"Because he's an arrogant ass," I answered matter-of-factly, making the others laugh.

I dug my phone out of my pocket and pulled up the Junior National Hockey League website. Idaho and Mississippi played in a half-hour, and I wanted to watch.

Waiters came by and served us food.

I ate mostly in silence until the game started. Once it did, the other boys crowded around to watch.

Ethan's voice came from behind us, "You do know they have the game on in the house, right?"

"Are there New York players watching the game?" I asked.

Ethan nodded. "Then, no."

"What's wrong with the New York team?" He asked.

"It's not the team, It's Jagger," Blake spoke for me. I glared at him.

"Jagger's the one with high cheekbones and a really sharp jawline, right?" asked Alex.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" I slumped in my chair.

"Because he's on his way over here right now," Reece finished.

I turned around and watched as Jagger was making his way over here; I turned to face the boys and groaned. Ethan pulled up a chair and sat with us.

"Hello, Minnesota," Jagger greeted us. I ignored him and focused on the game.

"How is your evening tonight? How's the food?" Jagger continued.

"It's great. Everything's great," Blake answered quickly.

"Well, that's–," my gasp interrupted Jagger's next sentence. Louisiana just scored.

"Nice. Is there anything I can do for you?" Jagger asked.

"Go away," I muttered under my breath.

"Well, just let me know if you need anything," Jagger left.

"I think he heard that," Alex whispered in my ear.

"I don't care," I whispered back.

We went back to watch the game, that was until someone else interrupted us.

"Charlie, what did you do?" Kai's voice came from behind me.

"What do you mean?" I turned around, confused.

"I was watching the game inside, and Jagger walked in and went to one of his friends and said, "I did what you asked, and I can say she's a bitch," I slipped out before they noticed me, but I figured he was talking about you," Kai explained.

I was stunned; well, this was a first.

"All I said was go away, and I didn't think he heard me," I defended myself.

"Well, he obviously did," Blake muttered.

I sank back in my chair and looked up at the sky, "seriously, you can't do one thing for me."

Our coach soon told us we'd be leaving, and I was happy to get out of there. Another hour and a half later, we arrived back at our hotel, Reece and I collapsed on the bed and didn't move until we woke up the next morning.

I rolled over and rubbed my eyes until they adjusted to the light. Reece was still passed out next to me. I moved out of bed and undressed. The clock showed 11 am. I crossed to the window and closed the curtains. I crawled under the covers and went back to sleep.

Chance of A Lifetime (Junior National Hockey League Series Book One)Where stories live. Discover now