28 : jealousy neveR feLt so good

Start from the beginning

Though it was for nothing since Vic started to stir in his sleep until his tired eyes fluttered open and smiled looking at Kellin. He pulled him in closer and nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck. Kellin felt a surge of warmth spread through him at the sight.


Kellin smiled at the roughness of his voice before gently combing his fingers through his hair, "Morning."

"Wha' time is it?" He asked in a muffled voice and Kellin reached over to the right where the bedside his phone was on. He turned his phone on, blinded by the sudden bright light to his eyes:

"Almost noon."

Vic hummed as Kellin continued to scroll through his phone after checking the time, just updating himself on any news and his fans. They didn't say anything after that, settling themselves into peaceful silence. There wasn't much news aside from the usual bull crap on twitter. Fans were doing alright and there wasn't any sign of those two girls spreading what Oli said.

Which made Kellin relieved and a bit proud, weirdly enough. Proud that it didn't blow up into news and he'd have to deal with the press again. He'd steered clear so far—surprisingly to Kellin to be honest—and he'd like to keep it that way.

"I'm gonna go shower," Vic finally said before scooting away from Kellin. The older man stood up and stretched, his bones popping back into place. He glanced over with a mischievous grin and wiggling his eyebrows, "Wanna join me?"

Kellin laughed and in a sing song voice, "Boundary rule #3~"

Vic nodded as he smiled. Before he placed one of his knees onto the bed and with support of his arms he leaned in to kiss Kellin's cheek. "I know, I'll be right out," after Kellin had nodded his acknowledgement he left the room and went to his.

Kellin let out a sigh and stared down at his phone once again. He hadn't received text messages from anyone. And it was weirding him out. Even before this trip all of his group chats were busy and always sending random memes and texts.

Now it was drier than the Sahara. It left an uneasy feeling in his chest. Aside from Oli, he hadn't contacted any of his friends nor had they contacted him. He frowned at this thought and sat up, going to his group chats.

With his band members the last he spoke to them was when he told them he'd be staying. Not as surprising since they weren't the texting type. Still given the circumstances... although this is essentially better for Kellin. He was a horrible liar and one right question would have him word vomiting about what he'd been doing in New York.

And honestly speaking about his band; they would not take it well and hightail it over here.

Kellin sighed and shut off his phone, placing it back on the bedside table before getting up to go shower as well in his own bathroom.

Vic has said he didn't know what love was until he met Nicholas.

It was partly true since he didn't understand until Nicholas. But he knew. In his own freak way he'd known what love was the minute he set his eyes on Kellin. Their little love story was sweet in the beginning and innocent. It was everything one could want in a relationship. Friends in the beginning, slowly but surely loving and appreciating everything about the person. Getting to that point where the first thing you think of after waking up was them. It was sweet. It was... too good to be true.

It was exhilarating without Vic processing it. It was quick and it was hard.

Kellin was Vic's first love and vice versa. But of course, all good things come to an end and it was Vic's fault. He wasn't perfect—of course, no one was—but he chose to push it to the breaking point. And it was his biggest regret. In life he pictured it to be simple; Kellin at his side touring and being happy sharing their love story to the world. The high school sweethearts.

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