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Mildred was at first nothing but a simple imp helping her parents farm, Rough N' Tumbleweed Ranch in the Wrath town of Ornerington. Eventually, she fell in love with a city imp, Moxxie, and eventually the two married. The pair moved to Imp City to forge their own paths, only to meet Blitz and join his assassin group. With the Ink Demon joining them, the assassins are constantly on multiple misadventures, though this gained the pair a close friend, and three new loves to their life.

Full Name: Mildred Horvitz-McBashkull

Species: Imp

Age: 129

Gender Terms: Cis She/Her

Sexuality: Fluid

Power Level: 5

Love interests: Moxxie (Husband), Bendy (Husband), Charlie (datemate), Vaggie (datemate)

Ex-Interests: Chaz (Ex-boyfriend)

Occupation: Farmhand (formerly), Assassin, Bruiser of I.M.P

Alignment: Good

First Appearance: Hazbin Hotel- "Fellowship of the Radio" Helluva Boss- "Bendy For Hire"

Voice Actor: Vivian Nixon



Nail Bat



Fire Resistance

Closed Combat 

Comforting Touch


Healing Factor

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The Ink Files: The Characters of Hazbin Hotel Ink EditionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant