"And you believe him?"

"He wouldn't lie. Not about this." Luke says steadily, his eyes holding Jeff's gaze. "But he's still upset... any idea why?"

It's a rhetorical question, Jefferson can tell. The words Luke says are no indication of the thoughts in his head. He wants Jeff to tell him everything.

Luke used to rub Jeff the wrong way. Model good looks, sexy British accent, sharp like a whip. He was the type of person to bring out all of your insecurities just by existing in the same space as you. It's weird to say, since Jefferson is literally a superstar, but he felt threatened by Luke, honestly.

But that went away when they became pseudo-friends (because the boyfriend of your boyfriend's best friend can't really be called your friend, can he?).

Either way, Luke is an integral part of their friendship dynamic. A voice of reason, a perfect counteraction to his own boyfriend, who is overthinking personified.

Perhaps that's why Jefferson is considering telling him everything.

"Stop thinking and tell me." Luke prompts, "I'm losing braincells watching you trying to come up with excuses."

Jefferson sighs, his floppy red curls dancing in the air with the force of the breath exiting his mouth. He glances toward the bedroom door, where his sweet, considerate boyfriend is sleeping... or crying his eyes out. It's anyone's guess which one.

"It's.... It's just like you said." Jeff says, demeanour softening.

"When? I said a lot." The blond questions, hyperaware of the change in atmosphere.

"About... Harvey third wheeling." Comes the mumbled reply. Jeff is struggling to look at Luke directly. Instead, his light eyes are fixed onto the city skyline. It's night-time, so he can clearly see the shine of Luke's coffee brown eyes in the reflection of the window. It's not far off from the colour of Harvey's eyes; dark, just as intense, and – to Jefferson at least – twice as beautiful.

God, it feels like Harvey is everywhere.

At Luke's heavy, pointed silence, Jefferson inhales, turns away from the window, and exhales.

"My whole life.... My whole life, all that's mattered is how I'm presented." He confesses, mouth twitching slightly, "I was always taught that it didn't matter who I was, or what I did, as long as I can present it in the correct way. That's why I was so comfortable coming out. As long as I was in control of how people perceived me, my sexuality wouldn't be an issue."

Jeff can tell that Luke wants to speak, add insight like he always does. But the blond stays quiet, sensing that there's more for Jefferson to say.

"After coming out, I expected support, for sure. But I didn't expect... this." Jeff gestures aimlessly, "My fans loved that I came out. And sure, we can argue the morality of my worth doubling just because I'm dating a guy... but I can't deny that it feels good."

"What does?" Luke asks, out of a need for clarity more than anything.

"Being invincible." Jeff shrugs, "I could do no wrong. Loving Harvey, being with him publicly... it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Not only is he my soulmate, but he's loved by my fans. It's a win-win situation. Nothing in my life has ever worked out so seamlessly before."

"If it's a win-win situation, then why is Harvey in his room crying?"

The actor frowns, heart clenching at the mental image that's been playing in his head all evening.

"These past two years... being with Harvey, have been the ultimate high." He says, then pouts, "But you know the thing about highs; you'll do anything to stop yourself from coming down."

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