Knight in shining armor who?

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Raphael ran across the New York rooftops looking for some thugs to strike down. He had just gotten in a fight with his brothers and lost his temper again because of Leo's bossiness and Mikey's stupidity. Growling in frustration he dropped down into an ally-way by the docks, maybe peace of the water will calm him. A little while later he heard loud fighting noises behind the cargo crates and got up to investigate with an excited gleam in his eyes. Jumping on top of the crates he looked down to see a feminine figure in a short black cloak fighting krang droids. They out numbered her greatly but she didn't back down or run, showing she was stubborn. Raph smirked and dropped down to fight beside her.

"So what's a pretty little lady like you doin fighting creeps like these?"

She glanced at him her eyes flashing in anger but didn't say anything. He did notice however now that he was closer he could see a pale orange colored bushy tail peaking out of her coat as she fought. He laughed at her glare and jumped into the fray of battle, tearing robots limb from limb. Finally all the droids where smashed and they both were standing side by side, their chests heaving. Raphael looked at her with a grin.

"So. You gonna thank your knight in shining armor princess? Or at least give me a name?"

She looked at him sharply fury flashing in her eyes for a second before she slowly removed her hood looking up at him as she was about two feet shorter then her. A pair of large fox ears and a small snout showing off a few fangs as she smirked.

"Well... I suppose I could tell my knight in shining armor my name....if I had one."

She then spun around and took off letting out a barking laughter as she ran across the cargo crates.

Raph stared after her a dazed smile on his lips at her spunk, watching intently as she leaped away.

'Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed!'

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