Trunks' hands slid inside Pan's shirt, and she felt herself sighing at his touch. His fingers danced across her hips and ribs. Trunks began kissing down the side of her jaw. Pan fought to catch her breath as her head leaned back against the cabinets. All she could focus on was Trunks' mouth - hot and wet as he kissed down her neck. His tongue licked across her pulse point, and Pan shuddered, her nails scraping against his neck as she moaned. She could hear him chuckling, a sound that vibrated right through her into her groin.

"Panna," Trunks' hands ran down her legs and wrapped them around her waist. He leaned back so Pan could see him, and she shivered at the sight of him, flushed face and swollen lips. She had done that to him. He leaned forward, his nose nuzzling hers as he pressed against her. She could feel his excitement, and it made her breath hitch. "I want you," Trunks kissed the spot where her jaw and neck met. "I want you, Panna."

Pan knew it was crazy. She knew that what was between them was only happening because they were stuck together in space. That did not help her sanity or make her lose interest. Even if it was only because they were space, even if once they get back to earth, things wouldn't be the same between them, she wanted this.

"Bedroom," Pan managed to breathe out. "My bedroom -" she was kissing him before he had time to reply.

Pan was vaguely aware of Trunks holding her as he stumbled to her room. She didn't even hear her door shut, but she gasped when her back was pressed against her mattress. She opened her eyes and stared at Trunks, who was leaning over her. He was already reaching for the back of his shirt, and he pulled it off in one fluid motion.

Pan's cheeks burned as she stared at his chest and abs. She had seen him shirtless before, but this time was different. This time, she could touch him, and her hands itched to do so. Trunks leaned down and lifted her shirt. His lips brushed against her waist, and Pan sucked in a breath as her back tensed.

Trunks placed several open-mouthed kisses along her waist. Pan watched him as one of his hands grabbed the top of the black shirts she was wearing. The other hand lifted her leg, and he leaned over and bit her thigh! A shudder ran through Pan that had her clenching her fist.

"Panna," he kissed the bite mark he had just made and slid a side of her shorts down. "I'm going to blow your mind."


Pan gasped as her eyes flew open. Her bottom was throbbing from where she had landed on it on her floor. She was flushed and tingling, and she let out a loud groan as she stared at the spaceship's ceiling. It had only been a dream!

"Panny?" Her Papa called through her door. "Are you okay? Did you fall?"

"I'm okay!" Pan called back quickly. "I'm okay!" She repeated with a small groan. Why did she have to have such dreams?!


"What are you two doing?" Trunks asked as he walked into the living room. He could hear Pan and Goku laughing in the kitchen, and he knew they were up to no good.

"Hey!" Goku ran out with what looked like a purple popsicle in his hand. "Panny made these! It's flavored water frozen with straws stuck in them."

"Hm," Trunks mused as he headed towards the control room. He needed to check the ship and see if any Dragon Balls were nearby. He prayed there was since they had been flying out in space for six weeks now, and he was about to go stir crazy.

"Trunks," Pan walked out and smiled. "You should try one. They're actually pretty good."

Trunks watched as she lifted the popsicle to her mouth. His eyes widened, and his chest pounded - impossibly dirty thoughts crossed his mind as he watched her pink lips wrap around the popsicle and suck on it.

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