Chapter twenty Let the S class trials begin

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At the docs

The chosen members of Fairy Tail where now on the ship heading towards tenrou Island.

With the mages all with proud and happy faces filled with determination.

At the front of the ship was sayla wearing her new clothing that (Y,N) got her.

It was much like her old clothing she used to wear back in Tartarus but something about this and the fact that (Y,N) got it for her made it even more special

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It was much like her old clothing she used to wear back in Tartarus but something about this and the fact that (Y,N) got it for her made it even more special.

But now she and the other eight participants or on their way to the island and when they get there they would be in for the fight of there life.

Sayla: *Sighs* it sucks that my mate can't be here, but Master Makarov sent him to the island along with the other s-class wizards.

The demoness then continue to watch the ocean waves Rock back and forth. That was before Wendy Sayla's partner came walking up to her.

Also I completely forgot about the partners so here they are. Natsu and Happy, Gray and Loke, Juvia and Lisanna, Elfman and Evergreen, Cana and Lucy, Freed and Bickslow, Levy and Gajeel, and sayla and Wendy.

Sayla: ow hello Wendy.

Wendy: hi sayla.

Sayla: *could tell that she's nervous* what's wrong Wendy why do you seem nervous?

Wendy: well... It's just that I'm a little nervous because the s rank trials are pretty serious. And you're super strong so why would you pick someone like me?

Sayla: *Smiles sweetly* oh Wendy you need to stop underestimating yourself, sure you might not be a powerhouse like natsu or (Y,N) but you're strong in your own right. And your magic is unique, and that's what you should be playing into, after all all fights aren't going to need just brute physical power. Some requires strategy and unique ways of thinking. And you Wendy when you get older and master these things will become just as strong as everyone else if not stronger. Not to mention you've trained with (Y,N) for these past 2 years just like myself and gotten a lot stronger. So I know you can do it, so have some confidence in yourself.

Wendy: *embarrassed* O-ow thank you sayla.

Sayla: *giggles* Wendy what if I told you. you can always call me big sister if you want.

Wendy: *embarrassed* w-well is that.... Even appropriate for this?

Sayla: it's always appropriate, after all I've come to learn that family is the most important thing in this world.

Wendy: ....... You know despite your title you're actually very nice.

Sayla:............. Yes I seem that way but, there was a time far back that I was not like this. And I'm thankful for my darling. For saving me from that dark pit. But at this point in time we can't focus on the past Wendy. Because we're going to win this thing, and become s class wizards. What do you say

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