Chapter nineteen The candidates selected

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Two years after the defeat of Laxus

Two years have flow past for the fairy tail group and we'll even after those two years they didn't change a single bit.

Natsu and Gray still cause Guild fights throughout the years causing Master Makarov to pay a small fortune in damage control.

Erza was..... Still Erza our lovable red hair knight that loves her strawberry cake. But will not hesitate to beat your ass into the shadow realm.

And lucy was the most normal of the group going on Jobs to pay her rent and all in all just having a good time.

Now that's not to say that they didn't get stronger because they most certainly did. Natsu has been training Non-Stop in order to increase his power. His motivation was to find his father igneel and also to surpassed (Y,N).

And as for our awesome Elder Dragon well he's been doing great, things to his actions many dark guilds really haven't tried to oppose fairy tail. And even the magic Council has been lenient around him, after they discovered who he really was. Or more specifically what he really was the magic Council offered him a spot of power inside of their order. To which (Y,N) denied in a heartbeat.

Saying that them trying to give him a position of power just show him how fearful they are of him. And trying to give him said position of power to control him was a futile attempt on their end.

But he was awarded the rank of the strongest wizard in the country. So at least he had that going for him.

Also him and sayla well let's just say they moved up their relationship and still waiting for the right time.

Sayla has also changed, thanks to her training with (Y,N) she learned how to harness more powerful and devastating magical power. And even took it One step beyond and merged it with her curse. To form a whole new type of magic which she named curse magic.

Also (Y,N) didn't slack off on training either, with these two years he kept pushing himself further and further beyond his normal limits. His magical power doubled, and the sheer amount of destructive power that he had built up inside of him was ridiculous now. To the point to wear it made Natsu's most powerful attack look like a firecracker.

And you beat when he showed Master Makarov this he was sweating bullets.

So now that your all caught up let's see what they're doing now.

Inside fairy tail

The members of our favorite guild could be seen all gathered around the stage. You might be asking why? well that was because the master of fairy tail Makarov, had an announcement to make with them.

And soon the mages turn their head to the sound of footsteps approaching and saw Makarov, Erza, Gildarts, Mira and (Y,N) all approaching.

Makarov: listen up brats starting soon will be the S-Class trials for fairy tail! And for the candidates we have.

Natsu dragneel!

Natsu: Hell ya I'm all fired up!!

Gray Fullbuster!

Gray: it's about time.

Juvia Lockser!!

Juvia: I'm going to become an S-Class just watch my dear!

Elfman Strauss!!

Elfman: Ya manly

Cana Alberona!!

Cana: Alright!

Freed Justine:

Freed: just watch me Laxus.

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