Chapter fourteen the Tower of heaven begins

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At the magic council

Currently the magic council members were arguing amongst themselves, two of the members were arguing about if they should send in the military or not.

"Luckily" siegrain decided to step in.

siegrain: you ignorant fools!

council member: how dare you!

siegrain: only fools would send in the military, and risk the lives of hundreds innocent soldiers. I'm telling you it's far too dangerous.

council member: what do you suppose we do?

siegrain: where in a very precarious situation if we want to stop him we have to completely destroy the Tower of heaven. And there's only one way to do that....... etherion.

After he said that the rest of the council was shocked! To launch such a weapon of mass destruction would mean to be sacrificed in the lives of everyone within miles of the Tower of heaven.

council member: absolutely not!!

Council number: that's cross-dimensional destruction magic!!!

council member: WE CANT!!

council member: do you know what kind of devastation it would cause!! That weapon has the power to obliterate an entire nation!!!!

Belno: ethereal is an absolute last resort! It is more dangerous than the our system itself.

siegrain: just hear me out the satellite square can pinpoint any Target in the region. If we focus it directly on the tower we would be able to cost less collateral damage. And ensure the destruction of the structure.

Ultear (disguised): I vote to fire.

Male council member: not you too have you gone mad!!

siegrain: three more in favor will give us the majority but we can't let deliberation delay us. For time is of the essence. I urge you to vote with me, we cannot allow jellal to activate the Tower of heaven!

Male council member: but along with destroying the tower an etherion blast would no doubt kill your brother.

siegrain: I realize that however it's a sacrifice that must be made.

Inside of the tower of heaven

What's the fairy tale group made it inside the Tower of heaven they were bombarded by tons of black wizards.

Though these cannon fodder were basically nothing compared to them especially with a very angry elder Dragon tearing them apart.

After the beating they gave to the low tier wizards the group decided head in further.

At the magic Council

Leiji: *raise his hand nervously* I also vote Yes.

Council member: leiji not you to!

Leiji: there's no other choice.

siegrain: only two more votes are needed, please trust me on this.

With jellal

Jellal: the magic Council only wishes they had the power to stop me.

With the fairy tail Mages.

Natsu: hey blockhead where are you!

Lucy: geez would you keep it down!

Gray: I don't see all the point in sneaking around after all that ruckus we caused.

The fairies and the Dragon Of Tempest Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang