Chapter 7 - Silver Spoon

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"I'm sorry I had to do that," the Amazon holding me at arm's-length apologized, "but you've got to stop screaming if you want a chance to get away from here."

What was this guy up to??

"Owww..." this overinflated bulb is really hurting my jaw. I winced and moaned, slightly confused and more than slightly terrified.

He could see that I was hurting. "If I remove that, promise me you'll keep your voice down."

I nodded and stopped struggling, eager to get it out. He brought me closer to his chest and shifted my weight to one arm. The pacifier was deflated with a twist and a hiss of air. I quickly rubbed my jaw in relief. These damn things were so painful!

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked, perplexed, exasperated, exhausted... My feelings were so numerous and complex I couldn't even put them into words. I gave up all resistance for the time being. Might as well conserve my energy. He's strong enough to overpower me no matter what I do anyway.

"I'm here to save you and I want to get out of the state before the cops show up."

"Save me?" I spat. "And then kidnap me to Mexico to spew babies or test drugs for some cartel drug lord?"

Shivers wracked me as I remembered the stories that one of the Littles had told me about her time in Mexico before she was rescued in a federal drug raid.

"No, Isabelle. I'd never do that. I'm with the Railroad. And we're going west, not south."

How did he know my name? The Railroad? They were working together? There were Amazons that weren't totally baby-crazy? I guess it does make sense though... It's not like Littles are allowed to drive around here.

Another Little had told me about how he almost got to one of the Little Islands thanks to the Little Railroad. Unfortunately for him, his counterfeit passport didn't quite pass muster and he was detained at the port. Poor lad. But if this guy was with the railroad, then... he was one of the good guys?

"He's telling you the truth." The Little reappeared beside us. My brain screamed for him to run while he could, but he clearly had no intention to do so. I was almost convinced, but I needed more assurance.

"Where did he get all that high-tech military gear and training?" I questioned the Big.

"I can't tell you that."

"I'm not going anywhere with you until you do."

"Look, if you come with us I'll tell you myself. I trust him with my life, and you should too," my rescuer interceded.

With a sigh, I conceded and let the Amazon put both of us into car seats in the back of his sedan. He closed the door, got back in the driver's seat, and drove out into the street.

"You owe me an explanation?" I turned and asked the Little.

"You should know that the less we know about each other, the better. Never tell anyone who you are, where you came from, or where you're going, unless they already know."

When he saw me nod, he continued, "As to where I got my equipment and training: I was a Hellcat."

"What's a Hellcat?" I asked as we turned onto a main road.

He tutted. "Enough questions. It won't do either of us any good if I tell you more."

An hour later, the Amazon driver pulled off the highway we'd been driving on. As he got out of the car, I quickly undid the seat buckle, just to get some more practice at the complex task. That earned a wide-eyed stare from the Little. When the door beside me opened and the Big reached in to undo the buckle, he too sported a puzzled expression.

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