Chapter 9 Family Diary

Start from the beginning

And truly, Ki Rai was doing an amazing job. Until Hae In decided to be a nuisance to their little activity.

When Ki Rai finally grabbed one tomato and showed it to Ye Jin, Hae In started to disturb her. "Ani, precious. That's not a tomato."

"Omo, Uncle Hae In is distracting Ki Rai!" Eun Ae giggled into her hands.

"Don't listen to him, Ki Rai! Come to eomma!" Ye Jin shouted desperately when Eun Ae told her what Hae In was doing.

"Not tomato?" Ki Rai frowned as she showed it to her mother.

"That's correct, sweetheart. Come back to eomma." Ye Jin tried again.

"Ki Rai! Come back!" Jeong Eun laughed, trying his best to back his mother up.

"That's not a tomato, precious." Hae In jested.

"It is tomato!" Ki Rai retorted, jutting her bottom lip out stubbornly as she pushed the cart back to her mother.

Lifting Ki Rai into her embrace, Ye Jin spun them around, laying feathery light kisses on Ki Rai's face. Their child giggled happily at that, a moment of pure joy that was captured in their collective memories.

Hae In was laughing hard next to the mother and daughter until Ye Jin whacked the back of his head, hard.

"Ouch, what was that for?" Hae In complained.

"What were you trying to do?" Ye Jin chastised him like he was a child.

"What? I was trying to build her confidence! She shouldn't just trust what adults say." Her cousin retorted.

"She's two!"

"And she passed with flying colours! Who's a genius? You are, precious!" Hae In booped Ki Rai's nose.

Rolling her eyes, the exasperated mother simply placed Ki Rai down so that they could continue their little game. This time, Jeong Eun and Eun Ae joined as well and that was how the family finished their shopping in the end.

By the time the mysterious plant became a bush of glossy leaves, it became a nightly routine for the children to talk about what they did in school not just during their video calls with their father, but also in the family videos.

"Appa, we had enrichment day today! Eun Ae and I both chose baking." Jeong Eun started sharing.

"We baked different things though...Oppa baked muffins and I made rainbow bagels!" Eun Ae quipped.

"Want to show appa?" Ye Jin asked.

"Ne!" The children chorused as they brought out their paper boxes and muffin baskets.

Eun Ae presented her rainbow bagel first as she recalled the steps perfectly with a toothy grin on her face. "We had to make a ball, stick our finger in and swirl it around to make a hole. And then we rolled the dough into a rope and added food colouring to make it pretty! Teacher Winnie said I made pretty bagels!"

 And then we rolled the dough into a rope and added food colouring to make it pretty! Teacher Winnie said I made pretty bagels!"

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