When Lia couldn't be there in person, she would write him letters send him pictures, and talk to him over the phone. Hoseok would read those letters over and over and over. He held them close, every letter, every picture. They were the only things that kept him sane, grounded in this hell hole.

But that could only last for so long. It broke him with every picture of his baby girl. He had missed everything. Lia came on her birthday, came on his, on Christmas and New Year, but they were trapped in the confines of those four, 3 feet thick, concrete walls.

Every month, her stomach grew bigger. 3 months, 4 months, 5 months. On and on until she was heavily pregnant, ready to burst at any moment.

"My back is killing me." Lia groaned sitting down across from Hoseok with her hand over the large swell of her stomach. "Your fucking daughter won't let me sleep for more than an hour without kicking the shit out of me." She sighed with a soft smile. "But Yoongi got me a pregnancy pillow to help."

Hoseok smiled fondly looking at her, his beautiful baby mama carrying his undoubtedly beautiful daughter. She looked just about ready to pop and it seemed like she was ready to get this baby out.

"When did you say the day was?" Hoseok asked quietly. He wanted to be there, to be with her, and to see his daughter when she first comes out. He'd probably be the last person to meet his daughter and that hurt him, that broke him to his core.

Lia knew he was upset about this. The prison wouldn't accept his request for a furlough so he couldn't be there for the childbirth. She could see in his eyes how much it hurt.

"August 21st." That's was next Wednesday.

Lia could see the way his eyes water, his lips twitch and he forces a smile. "That's great, baby. Really great." He whispers, kissing her hand. His grip tightens never wanted to let go.

Lia moves, sitting right beside Hoseok to be close to him. "I hate that you won't be there either." She whispered to him, her voice wavering as well. Hoseok placed his head on her shoulder and his hand on her stomach. For another 6 years, he won't be home, only allowed occasional visits to his daughter and baby mama.

"We'll be okay." She told him, kissing the top of his now brown hair. His hair had grown out after the months, so he cut off the blond parts little by little until all that was left was his natural, chocolate brown hair.

Over the months, he had gotten a few more tattoos, one on his arm of Ophelia's name and one on Renée's, the two loves of his life, the most important people in his life.

Hoseok remembered exactly where he was when his daughter was born. It was late, lights out. He was sitting in the dark, staring at the pictures of Lia's ultrasound with tears streaming down his face while he cried silently.

He couldn't sleep all week, not knowing if there were any complications in the birth, if Lia was okay, if the baby was. They were coming to see him on Saturday so he could meet his daughter. But the stress of the wait was enough to instill a level of anxiety in him.

Saturday seemed like forever away and took even longer to get there. The nights lasted for eternity and the days were even longer. On top of that, for the past few months, he's been having to take classes to get his GED because he had dripped out, so that's just extra work to do.

But finally, finally, Saturday came and Hoseok couldn't have been more excited for visiting hours.

Showers were loud and crowded just like any other day. Food was stale just like always and the prison guards were still dicks, but nothing could ruin Hoseok's mood.

And then he was brought into the visitation room. He went and sat at his normal table, knowing that Lia and Yoongi would be here soon with Renée, until then, he looked outside just as always.

❝𝗕𝗟𝗨𝗘𝗕𝗘𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗦 & 𝗛𝗘𝗡𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗬. ── 𝗝.𝗛𝗦✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu