Chapter 6 (Hospital stay)

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I said to the nurses as i opened the door to see Nana still the same as when i left

Harith pov
"Hey Nana, I'm back. How was whatever that was?" I looked at her heartbeat and oxygen thingy on screen

And saw her breathing and heartbeating was going higher. A doctor happen to walk in the room

"Hey Doc, is it normal if her heartbeat and oxygen go like really high when someone talks to her?"

"Ya, it just shows that she knows your there. Like conscious. You know."
"I came for the daily checkup and to update the file. So just continue what you were doing."


I sat there watching what the doctor was doing. I know he said to just continue doing what i was doing, but i honestly don't feel comfortable when the doctor is around.

"She's in a ok condition, she should be able  to wake up with the help of her loved ones." 

"Ok, thanks Doc." 

I watched him walk out of her ward

I stroked her hair and looked at her beautiful face

I honestly should have been there with her, but i think we fought that night so we had a boys and girls night

She got so drunk she was even clumsier that usual

I should have been there, i blame myself for putting you in this state

I cried as i help her hand 

The days went by quite fast, i was just doing the same things to try waking her up

I would wake up and drive to school and back after classes

I finish lunch and go to her room, usually finish up some homework or playing some of the old youtube videos we used to watch to

I looked up how long it takes to get a coma person out of coma, google said about a few weeks. Its been months though, so she's gained conscious but is in a vegetative state, which means she's in a minimally conscious state

"Oh my precious. Please wake up soon." I said as i kissed her head

The doctor still said the only way we can help is to keep talking to her about anything

But pass memories help alot

I tried a few stories, she did give small response, which was a good sign the doctors said

It could be signs that she could wake up anytime

I did the usual's, and it was getting late so i was getting ready to sleep

Well, another day another bedtime story

"Hey Nana, " i said as i touched her forehead to let her know its me

She slightly turned her head over to the sound of my voice

"Another story before i go to bed."

"Remember that time when we first started dating? We were so awkward but we tried our best  to make each other feel comfortable."

"I remembered our first date, we went to this cat cafe, you know the one where there were cats that you loved to play with. We went there to have some coffee and play with them, you were just as cute you are right now." 

"Well, thats all i have for today. Good night." I said to her as i kissed her forehead

I slept on the small couch next to her bed, i layed there for awhile. I couldn't sleep

Im not sure when i started to sleep, but i guess i drifted slowly into dreamland 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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