Church: Should we help him?

Grif: We could, or we could take bets on how long he's gonna live. I got ten bucks that says it's less than a minute.

Church: I'll take that action.

Shawn: He's a freelancer, pretty sure he'll make it.

Wash manoeuvers himself up on a cliff and shoots a barrel into the 'man cannon', which hurls it at the Hornet. Washington fires at the barrel as it nears the Hornet, exploding the barrel and bringing down the Hornet.

Thea: You freelancer's need to stop being badass's all the time.

Washington walks back to them.

Washington: Okay, now can we go?

Cut to everyone gathered outside Blue base

Washington: Alright, I need suggestions. The Freelancer Command Facility is an underground complex of secure bunkers and fortified chambers. Let's put our heads together and see if we can figure out a way to get in there.

Grif: I have an idea.

Washington: And "let's not do it" is not an acceptable plan.

Thea: (To Grif) That's your suggestion for everything.

Grif: Oh. Well you probably should have said that before you asked for suggestions.

Washington: Next idea.

Simmons: Why don't we call Command, and ask them what the proper procedure is for invading their headquarters?

Thea: Your supposed to be the smart one.

Washington: Next.

Sarge: How about we build a makeshift nuclear device, and blow the entire place to kingdom-

Thea: (Sighs) Should've seen that coming.

Washington: No. We have to get in there.

Simmons: Why?

Washington: 'Cause we need to unlock the Alpha.

Simmons: The what?

Church: It's the main A.I. from Project Freelancer. You know all the A.I.s that we've been dealing with over the years? It's where they were all copied from originally.

Simmons: You can't copy an A.I.!

Thea: (Grimly) We know.

Grif: The main one? Screw that. Those things have caused all of our problems. Why would we go looking for the main boss one?

Church: That's a good question. Agent Washington? Do you wanna answer that?

Washington: You'll understand everything soon enough.

Shawn: That's not reassuring.

Simmons: We're not going.

Washington: What? You have to go.

Simmons: Not really.

Washington: We can't infiltrate Headquarters with just three people. You're coming. That's an order.

Grif: Order? You're not our Commanding Officer. We don't even know what rank you are.

Washington: I'm a Freelancer!

Grif: Not a rank dude.

Shawn: He's got you there.

Simmons: The other Freelancers never gave orders, they just offered to trade favors.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 6Where stories live. Discover now