"Twenty sheep and my first born, Gustav!"

"Me?" the young viking asked.

"Ten yaks!"

"Four chickens!"

"Three chickens!"

Clearly that last one didn't know much about auctions, even impromptu auctions where nothing was for sale.

"EVERYBODY STOP!" Stoic roared, storming into the hall. "Fishlegs, what is this all about?"

"It's a stone of good fortune," Gobber said, grinning widely.

"Everyone, the stone is Fishlegs' to do as he pleases, I don't want to hear any more of this!"

The grumbling crowd made their way outside.

"Twenty sheep and Gustav Larson! You're turning that down? Seriously? What do you want for it?"

"You can't have it, Snotlout, it's mine," Fishlegs said, hugging the gem to his chest.

"Oh, I think I can, you seem to forget when Snoutlout wants something he just takes it!" he emphasized his point by swinging his arm and making a fist.

"Oh yeah? How badly do you want it?" Astrid asked, stepping between the two boys.

"Pshaw, you're lucky I don't hit girls."

"Yeah well so are you," Astrid warned, a threat obvious in body language and tone.

The twins, Astrid, and Fishlegs made their way from the great hall, Snotlout stayed behind, eyes narrowed.

"Okay then, take it, it is."


Hiccup slid down a slope, glad that his sword master had made sure he learnt to keep his footing in treacherous turf, using his feet to guide his fall more than propel him forward.

Wrapped in an improvised cloak of dragon skin keeping him invisible, he cautiously approached the nesting grounds of the Changewings, Glint and Flare stayed back as Hiccup's escape route.

The amnesiac teen made his way through trees filled with glowing stones.

Changewing eggs, he realized, and gave the egg-filled trees a wider birth. No need to attract more trouble than necessary, right?

Eyes roving the nest, he finally spotted a small stream running through the forest and followed it, knowing from Glint and Flare that Changewings preferred to have easy access to water while shedding their skins.

Sure enough, after a two minute hike, a small lake came into view, surrounded by both Changewings and shed Changewing skin.


Silent as a shadow, the young invisible boy crept around the reptiles, picking up a stone, he hurled it as far as he could, hoping the noise would distract the beasts. It worked somewhat, dragging attention from relaxedly alert to focused on the point where the stone met a tree. A single Changewing went to investigate, the others watching out for an ambush.

Taking advantage of their distracted state, Hiccup raced forward, grabbing Changewing skins. He needed at least five, though seven would be preferable. He grabbed six, and was reaching for a seventh, when all the Changewings bolted upright. He froze, unsure whether or not they had detected him.

He breathed a sigh of relief as the dragons all took off toward the Northeastern beach, opposite the way he had come. He breathed a sigh of relief, idly wondering what had caught their attention.

(DISCONTINUED) When Lightning Strikes you down.Where stories live. Discover now