Chapter 20: Basketball

Start from the beginning

Bewildered, Steel continued to deliver them only to get blocked by Sakuragi again and again, "Dumba**. I already know your fighting style!"Sakuragi said.

"What fighting style! Dumbass, this is not a comic book!" Tetsuo, aka Steel. (I just knew once again that Steel and Tetsuo are the same person! I feel so dumb before but anyways...)

 lashed and stretched his arm back before giving his fist to Sakuragi. Sakuragi saw his move already and grabbed his punching arm and threw him against the door where the teachers where knocking on for ages.

Sakuragi then pounded Tetsuo without hesitation, each strike is a revenge for each his allies. Knocking Tetsuo back and down, Sakuragi continued his attack before his last hit for himself, "Next one is for me!"

The delinquents are in the edge, their leader and strongest ally are beaten so badly that it could end their lives. Rei realized this and was now worried for Hisashi, why was he so stubborn to listen? Things could get worse for him at this point.


Hisashi jabbed on Yohei's cheek catching everyone off guard. Yohei stumbled a little and brushed his stinging cheek, "You want to die?" 

"Just bring it on! I won't say it even if I die!" Mitsui said as he catches his breath, but quickly got punched in the face once again by his opponent, ruining more of his already beaten face.

Yohei was not satisfied to Hisahi's answer, his stubbornness was grinding his gears. Before he could lift his arm and harm him again, Kogure stopped him before he could do anything else.

"Enough.. It's enough." He whispered to Yohei and he got the message too. With gentle but stern eyes, Kogure looked at Hisashi, "It's enough, isn't it?"

Kogure finally stopped Yohei but Mitsui is still obviously not calm, 'Why won't he yield already? Kogure-san...'  Rei thought in her mind.

"Get out of the way!" Mitsui slapped Kogure with the back of his hand hand, everyone screamed for the vice captain's name but he did not say a word as his glasses fell down to the floor, the sound of glass lightly breaking from the fall.

"Isn't it about time you grew up? Mitsui...!" Rei was lost at words and confused, Kogure said those words to Mitsui, 'Does that mean he knew him before?'

At the other side of the fight, Sakuragi already defeated the man named Tetsuo, the strongest person in the enemy's group. Sakuragi looked at the other delinquents and they got scared and scurried to the door.

Every one of the basketball team worried for the exposure they were gonna get, Ryota warned the people but did not listen but before they could open the door, Akagi was seen opening and entering gym at the same door.

"Akagi-san!" His appearance eased a bit of our tension, some of us were smiling and the others frightened. Akagi scanned the scene and quickly understood their position and the outcome when the teachers behind him will witness everyone on the court, so he shuts the the double doors behind him, and not letting the teachers in.

Everyone looked at his direction in silence and listened at the loud voices at the other side of the green door. Akagi kept the door shut with his hands behind him at the handles and him facing front at the others.

Knocking violently, the teachers demanded at Akagi to open the door and questioning what was happening in the court, "Akagi! What are you doing?!! Open the door now!!"

"There is... a secret training going on inside." Akagi lied as he kept his grip on the door.

"Hey! We are Shohoku's teachers, there's no need to keep it a secret!!"

"Open up Akagi!!"

"They are doing this in order to figure out a plan for the summer competition.. Those are my orders."


No one in the court said a word, the truth must be kept shut beyond those walls because all understood the consequences. When the knocking and shouting from the teachers was gone, probably getting some reinforcement to open the doors. Akagi released his grip and was met up with Ryota, seeing his bloody and bruised face, "Akagi captain, I am responsible for everything..."

"Shut up, Miyagi!"

Ryota was silenced and he watched his captain walk past him, heading to Mitsui. Sakuragi murmured things behind Nori, "That guy's been neaten hal to death by Yohei, now he's gonna be beaten by Gori... He's gonna die!"

Nori got frantic for the future he had envisioned, to avoid such deatg he ran and tried to convince the captain, "Akagi!! We.. Were leaving!! So... Akagi-kun! Akagi-kun!"

"Hey! Take off your shoes." He's intimidating eyes made Nori's eyes white, he did not want to engage any more trouble so he abided his word and took of his shoes, "Y-Yes! Yes sir!"

His allied did the same and so did Yohei's friends who forgot to remove their outdoor shoes as well. Now that Nori was busy taking his shoes off, Akagi finally met up with the long haired beaten boy, "Mitsui.."

"Huh.. Captain knows him?" Rei whispered at Ayako who was holding her up and she too was surprised as well, "Kogure-san seems to know him too." She replied.

Rukawa slowly stood up from the floor and Rei noticed  it since he was just behind them, "R-Rukawa-kun! You shouldn't get up yet." Even with her worry, Rukawa did not budge but stood still as he too was interested of the scene in front of them.


Akagi has slapped Mitsui's face in attempt to let out his anger. Mitsui's head got to face on his side, "Akagi..." And again Akagi slapped him with the back of his hand, turning Mitsui's face to the other.

"Mitsui... Used to be on the basketball team." Everyone was surprised and but Rei wasn't. She held her head down and looked at her white rubber shoes as Kogure continued his words, "Anyone from our grade.. Knows about Hisashi Mitsui from Takeishi middle school."

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