(added link to document)

524 30 35

January 15th 2015 (final part)



Unknown: Im sorry

Harry: who is this?

Unknown: I'm sorry Harry, i hurt you, i should've said something last night!

Harry: louis? is this you?

Unknown: yea well, im so sorry, i-

Harry: Goodness Louis, you scared me! Your number is unknown! You scared the crab out of me. What? What happened?

Louis (name appears): I ruined it! I dating her!

Harry: WHAT? YOU WHAT? You didn't say anything on camera right?

Louis: Harry listen to me! Listen!


Louis: I am dating her


Louis: Harry you still there?

Louis: im sorry haz!

Louis: please Hazza

Louis: Haz?

Louis: I love yo-

(Harry blocked number)


Harry throws phone to the other side of the couch, with tears in his eyes he stands up and walks over to the kitchen. When he is a few steps away from the counter his body drops to the ground, with a hard sound he hits his hand on the wooden floor. every memory, every moment... he saw it all. All of it. His body felt numb, while he stared at the phone he just threw he sobs silently.

He closed his eyes, in the hoped to make things a little better. Maybe it will set his mind off this a bit. But he knew that this wouldn't work, this all. After some time, he climbed back up on his feet he made it to the counter stool.

One stool.

Louis moved out back in 2013, he wanted his own place, a bit more privacy. At the moment it felt like a good decision. But maybe that was the turning point, maybe...

The doorbell rang

Harry looks up but simply sank down on the counter with his head in his arms again. After a moment off loud noise coming from the door, it was quiet.

Harry was curious about who it was. But in his head, he was too scared to see Louis standing there. Standing there in his band tee, black jeans and his signature vans. He also knows that if he saw louis, he would just drop down on his knees and start to cry again.

The door made some sounds again, now it was the door from the garden that was making noise. Harry got up and grabs his phone from the couch, looking at his lock screen for a notification... there were some messages from an unknown number again but before he could open his phone with his shaking hand he-

He really hoped it was him actually, only if he could hug him one more time, only if-

"I left the key at my house, but luckily the back door was open" a voice said

Harry looks up from his phone, knowing who's voice it was.

"Sorry Niall"

"wow lad! Are you okay?" Niall says while he comes in eye contact with his mate

"your eyes! Why are they so red? Don't tell me your crying! Is this about..." Niall adds

"he loves her" Harry says with a squeaky voice

"what are you talking about?"

"he is dating her, its public now" Harry tells him wiping away the tears that appeared on his cheek.

Harry knew it wasn't going anywhere anymore, the management gave them a contract with new rules. Most of the rules applied on them, most of them were writing against them.

'it's not allowed to have any physical/mental relationship with any off the band mates or staff'

'when you sign this contact you agree to these rules and allow the management full permission to make up fake relationships for the pers'

And you might ask... why did I f*king sign this contact, oh well. If I didn't I wouldn't have a job anymore.

With pain in my heart Louis and I agreed to these rules. After we signed Louis and I decided to take a break in our relationship. We got in some fights and time flew bye. And this morning I get a text from him.

I actually though it was just a break. I really though after all that we got trough we would survive this.

Off all people and relationships, we would be the ones that got trough it.

Niall Grabs harry by the shoulder and pulls him into a hug. Harry wrapped his arm around Niall and softened his body. He sank into Niall's body and the tears were now falling on the floor again.

"I'm sorry Harry, I talked to Louis yesterday and he was broken, he was so scared to tell you! He knew this was the way you would react, and he just couldn't break you after everything. He thought that if he would do this all over text it wouldn't hit as hard... apparently it wasn't the best idea. But maybe it was just for his own emotions, this was just easier for him"

"Niall? Did I really lose him?"

"Harry listen! He really loves her, I really think that he will stick with her. This is easier and better for his career and the band"

"but he loves me too! Right? " Harry asks him with a broken voice

"Harry, just get some rest." Niall replies back, avoiding the question.

"this is really the end, huh?"


9 miss calls, 4 unopened text messages

Unknown: Harry! Are you home?

....20 minutes later...

Unknown: I'm ringing your doorbell but you dont open the door, I guess you are not home.

...10 minutes later...

Unknown: (added link to document)  Here are the other 1460 pages, every single one is about you. I'm sorry.

Unknown: I loved you first and I will love you last.

the end

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