Dear Louis,

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(not edited yet)

Dear Louis,

Were do i start? i never run out of words... AAA this is weird, writing this to you while you're lying next to me.

This letter is for the day i have enough courage to give it to you..

I kind off hope that i will have enough courage by the morning, because that's my plan. I am still a bit tipsy while writing this. But i am here, i was here.

It took you a long time to finally fall asleep, i mean i get it. We just had our first kiss and even more... You also cuddled me for like an hour afterwards and i didn't want to get up and grab my laptop, i didn't want to wake you.

W- wow I'm am so extremely happy that you finally made a move, oh well i made the move. I kissed you, how could i not? you were leaning in a bit and i couldn't help myself. Your skin was glowing from the light that came from the hallway.

The feeling that was rushing trough my body that moment was-

About your letter... i read it, the night you wrote it. i knew it all this time. (two days)

I needed to get out of the house, that why i left and went to Niall. I needed his advise, i needed a confidence boost. But then Niall wanted to go clubbing tonight so i just went with him. We didn't expect you there.

but I'm glad i did, if we didn't i think i wouldn't have written this letter right now, i think i would just go home and talk to you later. maybe go on a date, a real date. would that be still a good idea?

I really hope i give this letter to you in the morning!

So, in this letter i want to tell you my side of the story. The moment i knew i loved you. The moment i got the butterflies and that weird warm feeling only because of the eye contact. You talked about the moment you knew, that night we ran away...

Well... I loved you first.

And i wanted to say it that one night on the field, like a week ago, i wanted to tell you everything. but when i brought up the whole friends thing. I got nervous...

I wanted to risk it all.

I wanted to give you my heart
I wanted to be yours
I was just waiting till you gave me the sign, that night you didn't.

So you remember that night before we ran away? its was 6 days after the official X-factor boot camp. We decided to hang out at my home the next few days. Everybody went home to see their families but you stayed at mine instead... Not because you didn't want to see you family, but because your family thought it was a good idea to let us hang out together for a bit. My mom talked to your mum that day, they both agreed and were excited.

My mum knew i liked you... i think she always knew.

When you came up to me all excited and hyped because you could stay at my house (after a phone call), i smiled. i know, i smile all the time. But this time is smiled when your smile appeared... did you know you have one dimple on your left, but only visible when you are genuinely happy.

minutes later you grabbed your bags from the sidewalk where we were standing and dropped them in the back our car. You still jumped from excitement and after i placed all my luggage in the car too, we seated in the car and drove off. Before you came outside to tell me the news, i already discussed it with my mom. I knew you were staying with me (i mean us).

So i prearranged the whole ice cream stop, the one where we both got cheery about... yea well... i arranged that, i just acted surprised.

While he was sleeping | l.s.Where stories live. Discover now