January 27th | His letter was longer

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short chapter:)

Hey you, good morning. It happened!!!

Louis was finally typing on his laptop again, now located on his bed with Harry still sleeping next to him.

so... last night huh? i am scared, I'm scared he doesn't remember, i mean... Harry was heavily intoxicated last night. so he probably won't. I just hope he doesn't regret anything. Maybe I'm not even going to mention it. Should i? when he wakes up, should i mention anything? i- I'm so scared.

Well am i going to explain everything that happened last night? O well... um we had sex. Here, i said it. we had a great time, or at least i did.

I can't get the kiss out of my head. It was so perfect. Harry was so perfect. He is perfect. Aaaa what am i doing to myself?

Liam really said "dont do anything stupid" yesterday, and this is what we do? we are stupid.

Well it cant be all my fault, it was harry that was so touchy and clingy the whole evening. I  couldn't help it. And also, i just remember that HE kissed me first. He has feeling for me right? if he doesn't, he wouldn't kiss his best friend (passionately) right?

why am i doubting myself so much? its not like I'm scared that i am not enough, or the right person... i just... i dont know!

Oh well... i had fun last night at the party, i think i will check up on Niall and his hangover and of course Liam.

Zayn is probably busy with painting and drawing, he likes to paint after a busy night, just to get his mind empty and get some motivation to start the day. which i think is so cool, he is also so extremely talented. So I'm excited to see his new projects. 

Hm i think i will leave my bed now, its pretty late... i never stay in bed for so long. its just so peaceful and great with Harry by my sight.

Louis gently brushes his hand over Harry's cheek, and Harry gives a quick shiver back from the cold air hitting his face. He gives Louis a small smile, and letting Louis know he wasn't fully asleep.

"you awake Hazza?" Louis asks

"yes Lou, since you started writing in you're Journal"

Louis quickly Jumped off the bed and gave Harry a shocked look on his face

"wha-what did you say? you know about my journal?" Louis asks with a high pitched voice, scared for the next answer.

"uhm you were writing emails for hours? yea, i did not fall for that" Harry says with a grin and a wink

"you haven't read it, have you?" while Louis asked this question, he could only think of the letter he wrote to Harry a few days ago... do you think he read it? what if? he knew i liked him all this time?!

"i peeked a bit, yes" he bites his teeth on each other and make a 'sorry, please dont get mad' face.

"uhm Harry? do you-" Louis stumbles over his words, not really knowing if Harry remembers anything...

"do you- uhm remember ye-" he adds

"remember yesterday?" Harry finishes the question Louis started

Louis sits down next to Harry again, he nods closing his eyes in fear... Everything was going to change after the next words are being said.

Instead of getting an answer back quickly...

Harry sits up in his bed and leans over, he gives Louis a small kiss on his cheek. After that he moves his lips to Louis ears "i remember everything"

Louis swiftly opens his mouth to get some air, his breathing increase.

"i was meant to say it, i was meant to say it when we were on that field. i wanted to kiss you and i wanted to tell you how i felt, but i- i was too scared. but i have love you since- since-" While Louis was confessing EVERYTHING he was starting to tear up.

(all the love, all the times he wanted to yell it from the roof tops. to this moment. here on January 27th, the morning on their bed. just casual talking..)

"since we ran away from my house" Harry adds

"YOU READ THE LETTER!" Louis yells and in one motion he covers his face with a pillow, he was embarrassed of the story, the way he was so soft and vulnerable.

When Harry moves on the bed and opens the drawer next to their bed. Louis slowly shows his face again from curiosity. Louis noticed something, something in Harry's hand...

"you printed my letter?" Louis asks confused

"no, just read it" Harry says while handing over the envelope, on the back there were a few names of groceries, but because of the light Louis noticed the amount of layers paper and text that was inside.

Louis opens the letter and folds the first sheet open, and gasps.

'Dear Louis,' that's how it started

The tears Louis was holding back, started to fall down his cheeks.

"your letter is longer than mine!"

When Harry nods, he gets out of bed and quickly steps towards the door to leave the room. He was too nervous to stay inside the room, he had too leave. He isn't really a guy that tells people how he feels with a letter, it was his first time ever to even write... other than his essays from school of course or a groceries list.

Before he stepped out of the room, he turned around and gave Louis a soft wink and smile. His beloved dimples (Louis loved) became visible and Harry left swiftly afterwards.

Louis saw the shadow of Harry disappear into the hallway. And tilled his head down to read the first sentence of the letter...


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