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Marinette's POV
It was exhilarating. We went to his favourite spots he even showed me a hidden garden, I just couldn't get enough. My mind kept on going on the amazing designs and outfits I could make. Maybe I could even make something for Damian. Something he would wear daily something he can wear as both Damian and Robin. That's it! A Jacket! Yeah I'm going to suprise him with a turnable jacket with one design on the inside and one on the outside, he can wear one as Damian and one as Robin and no one will suspect a thing I mean I already have his measurements because of w suit I commissioned for him.

We were sitting on top of an abandoned building just staring at the beautiful scenery. The city of Gotham.
"What's your favourite colour or colours?"
"Ummm What?! Oh. Blue. AND Black and Green . Why?"
"No reason. Just asking randomly."

Okay so one black and one green with a little black, red and yellow accents and a Robin logo. Perfect.
I looked back at Damian with a smile.
His eyes were such a beautiful green. Somewhere between Emerald and Forest green. I sighed.
"So...what's your favourite colour?"
"Green. AND Blue, Black, Pink and Red.

That was wayyy to close. Gosh!

Damian's POV
God! That was...close.
"Hey Damian! You wanna play The Ultimate Mega Strike with me sometime?"
" 'TT' Sure!"

Her eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue like Blue Bell with a totally different shade that I have never seen before but it's beautiful.
And she likes Green too.
Also I have been sighing a lot lately.

"Welp! I have to go now Dami. It's late plus if I wait a little more before going Lie-la may  have more time to spin another extremely elaborate lie and I don't think I can deal with more of those."
Dami. She called me Dami.
"Of course Angel do you want me to walk you there?"
And we walked towards the hotel she was staying at, talking. She wanted a turkey and loved animals. This was perfect...I can't wait for her to meet Alfred the cat and Titus and Batcow.
"Hey you wanna come to my house Tomorrow...if you're free...you can meet my cat and dog and cow."
"I'd love to"
We were just outside the building. Face to Face.
"Thank Damian. Today was fun."
"It was"
Then she hugged me and.........



Who am I again?

I swear I knew all of this a few moments ago. WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER!?!

My ears suddenly feel hot.

What's happening?

A beautiful blue haired girl is going inside a building, but she turns around and looks at me, her face is read for some reason. Her eyes are so beautiful.

I am standing in front of a building.

A hotel.


Marinette kissed my cheek.




I see something moving at the corner of my eyes. There are people on the rooftops. Laughing. I suddenly hear the laughter. How did I not hear that before. The people. It's the imbeciles and Angel's friends...WITH FATHER!?!? Oh.

I remember now.

I am Damian Wayne. The one with 3 very annoying adoptive brothers and an extremely nosey family.

I am going to kill someone today.

Maybe I can come back out of retirement as an assassin.


I am going to get teased to no limit. Aren't I?

Marinette's POV

This is terrible!!
I kissed his cheek!!

Now he probably wants nothing to do with me in his life. He will start to think I'm too wierd and start avoiding me. Then he will never talk to me. I will never talk to him again. He probably thinks I'm a wierdo now and he doesn't see me that way. Maybe I am just a friend to him. I will never see his green eyes— oh come on! Seriously! Green eyes?! Ughhhhh.
He seemed so shocked. Was it a good shocked? Or a bad shocked? Or an I will never talk to Marinette again shock!?!

What do I do? What do I do?  What was I thinking?



What's that?

Why do I feel a sting in my nose and forehead?

What'd I hit?

Something hard?

A wall?


It's a door.

A room door.

A hotel room door.

What's that doing here?

Seems like a suit.


It's my hotel room.

I am in a hotel.


Why am I in a hotel?


Class trip. Gotham. Competition. Winning. Trip. Hotel. Room.

Got it.

Who am I?


Marinette Stone.


And other stuff my currently useless brain can't remember.


Oh wait.

Sorry brain.

Nothing Personal.

Oh wait.

I remember now.

I kissed DAMIAN!

Why the heck would I do that?

Oh wait.
I like him

I like him?

And I kissed him.

Oh my god!!

What was I thinking????


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