"I am your employer, not her." He is brief.

He runs his finger on his desk and inspects it.

"My desk is dusty." He states.

"You should wipe it," I say with an obvious tone.

He shakes his head angrily he attempts to speak but stops to just stare at me with pure awe, "My wife just referred me to you. I never got to ask for your papers maybe your former employer could put my mind to ease." He says and my heartbeat starts to quicken.

"Uh...m...I don't have them with me, I thought your wife gave them to you." I lie hoping to buy time.

He stares at me momentarily contemplating dealing with me then he gives up.

"Have a seat." He points at it and I am suddenly taken back by his change of attitude.

I seat as he remains standing.

I fiddle with my fingers trying to pretend to be confident as he stares at me.

Tick! Tock!

Time moves and he never moves or says a word. I begin to get anxious. Is he analyzing me?

"You can leave and start working. There is a list on your desk detailing all the things you are required to do." He finally speaks.

I dash out of the office quickly.

What the hell was that?


I find a yellow stick note on my monitor. I don't get to start reading it before Clara steps in front of me.

She doesn't know when to quit!

"What now!" I bark at her.

"I still can't get over that fact that Christian didn't fire you. What is so special about you."

"Stick around and you will find out."

"I will. We all have secrets, I will find yours."

"Not before I find yours first." I spit.

She is starting to get frustrated that she can't evoke the emotions she wants from me. Life hardened me. 

"You won't last. Don't unpack yet." She casts a glance at my little box with my stuff.

"Oh honey, I can last longer than your boyfriend." I glare at her.

She squints her eyes at me and huffs before she walks away. I smile at how she walks like a wading bird.

I focus my attention back on the list. It has over 50 chores I should do.

The first thing to do,  Mr. Thorne Coffee, should be decaf and it should be on his table by 7.00 am, it is specially brewed for him, he puts in brackets that I should do a short course that I have been enrolled at to learn about different types of coffee and learn how they taste as I will be tasting it before I bring it over. It should be Hot at 196°F not more or less. Secondly, his days' schedule should be at his desk by the end of the day, 6 pm. I should remind him at 3 pm to take a break to do his meditation, the words Stoic are in brackets beside the Word Meditation. I shake my head and when I look up I find Mr. Prick himself staring at me. I look down and continue reading the obnoxious rules...

By the time I am done reading them all my head hurts. I look at the time and read what I should be doing. There is a meeting that Mr. Thorne should be at. Shit! He is ten minutes late.

I stand up quickly and walk to his office.

"You have a meeting with Dunk kid," I say as I try to remember where I heard the name.

"Congratulations you figured that out ten minutes late. Hand me over my jacket." He says sarcastically and I  realize he did wipe his desk.

So now I am his maid, I pick it and hand it over.

He picks some folders and walks past me without a word.

I follow him outside. I retreat to my station as he strides away. I realize the people are staring at me. All over a sudden Mr. Thorne stops and glances back at me.

"Why are you sitting?" He asks and resumes to walk away.

Was I suppose to go with him to his meeting? To do what?

I just follow him.

I suck at this job.

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