CH2 - What Are Friends For. . . ?

Start from the beginning

"Am not!" Yusuke shouted back at Kuwabara before slapping away his friend's finger that is jabbing his nose. "And as a matter of fact, I do visit her from time to time-."

"Asking Ruby about her is not the same thing." Keiko cut in with her point in the background which just painted her friend's image in the wrong way of course.

"You're not helping me here Keiko!" The Urameshi boy growled at the brunette girl who just scoffed at his angry face with a mental eyeroll.

"See?! Even Keiko can tell you're being a crappy brother right now!" Kuwabara commented, which set Yusuke off for sure.

"ALRIGHT, THAT'S IT! COME HERE, YOU UGLY CARROT HEAD!!!" The Urameshi boy cried out and within a second him and Kazuma got into another meaningless brawl, leaving the poor brunette girl sweatdrop and sigh miserably at her friends' immature behaviour.

"Why do I even bother. . . ?" Keiko asked herself tiredly in a sigh before turning on her heels and leave to the train station to do her usual delivery without the big brother's company. Again. And that disappointed the girl very much as she was walking out of the hall and leave the two boys horse playing.

Keiko had heard, and seen Miyuki's struggles, and had been trying to somehow get Yusuke involved somehow, thinking that maybe he can talk things out with her, anything that could help her troubled mind, but the looks of it, Yusuke was dealing with his own issues as well, and as he mentioned it, he doesn't want to give more to his sister's plate, because she already has enough problem on it.

Time eventually passed and the bell chimed at Meiou High as well. Everyone began to leave the classroom, including the famous redhead who came out last from the classroom. On his way out though, he bumped into Kaito and have a civil chat with him until they both parted at the outside area of the school gate.

In the past days or so, the two males who were once rivals, they began to get along pretty well. The rivalry and competing spirit was still in Kaito, but it had been toned down and is keeping things civil with his classmate, who wished no ill will, nor held grudges.

"See you tomorrow, Shuichi!" The teen with curly black hair and sunglasses dibbed his goodbye while Kurama nodded his head in acknowledgement and waved a hand a little before walking toward the opposite direction and follow his good old daily routine.

However, after walking for a good few minute on his usual path, and turn at the next corner, he noticed his friend, Yusuke, staring up at a tree and looking rather troubled by something that must be bugging his mind.

Getting a little concerned by that solemn expression on him, he walked up to the Urameshi boy and greeted him in his usual friendly manner.

"Hello Yusuke!" Kurama called out which did eventually ripped Yusuke out of his train of thoughts and turn to the redhead.

"O-oh, hey Kurama! What's up?" Yusuke stammered at the beginning, feeling startled by the sudden presence of the redhead, but in the end of his sentence he jumped back to his regular carefree behaviour again like there was nothing wrong at all. The redhead knew that kind of behaviour really well since he had seen it many times before from his childhood best friend who would always put others before her.

Flaming Hearts ~ Hearts On Fire ~ Book4 [DISCONTINUED] {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now