I am sorry Deku

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~Kacchan pov~

It has a whole month since the last time I saw Deku, and it has been the most crappy month ever. I never thought that I should actually want to see Deku, but here I am. Ever since Deku has been gone I have been lonely I even let shitty hair talk to me. When I try skipping school my mom finds me and drags me there, so I have to only hope one day Deku will be in class.

I am getting ready for class now, but I have no energy so I just throw on some dirty clothes and walk to school. I am some how here 15 minutes before the bell rings, so I just sit at my desk and lay my head on the desk. Everyone starts coming in and talking it isn't until the bell rings that they all shut up.

Class is as boring until someone walks in late. I don't move until I hear a wimpy apologetic vocie. " I am so sorry I haven't been here for a month. There has just been a few things I had to deal with." I look up to see a green headed Deku. I was so shocked that I didn't move, and I guess everyone else had the same reaction. I few things where different with Deku he had a eye patch on his right eye. He was also wearing a black collar. He didn't look like himself, but at the same time he did.

After the shock vanished everyone was up to give Deku a hug, everyone except me. Once everyone was done Deku was smiling and walking to me. "I know you like hate me Kacchan, but why don't you hug me?" He wasn't asking me why, he was demanding me to. I got up madly even though I was happy he was back and hugged him. I wanted it to last forever, but whould look odd if I did that, so I quickly let go and sat down.

Deku had a stupid smile on him that made me smile. Once I smiled back at him he pranced back to his seat. I couldn't help but think that something was wrong and I couldn't put my finger on it. I looked back at Deku and he was still smiling. Maybe I was wrong.

~After school~

I wait until everyone leaves until I get up and walk to Deku. He is sleeping on his desk so I slap him to wake him up. "Get up Dumbass!" Deku looks at me then lays back down on the desk!

"Come on Deku we need to get home." I hear Deku groan then get up and look at me. After a bit of staring at each other I grab Dekus hand and drags him to my house. The whole way to my house he doesn't say a word making worry a bit, besides him smiling in class he looks very depressed I wonder what happened. when we are in my room Deku walks over to my closest and grabs one of my hoodies and sweatpants than he walks over to my bathroom and locks himself in. I guess he is talking a shower.

I sit down on my bed and wait for Deku thinking about what the hell happened. Deku is almost always happy and when he isn't it is hard to tell because he hides it. So why is acting different today? Where did he go and what happened to him? Right in the middle of my though Deku comes out of the bathroom with wet hair and holding his arm in a uncomfortable way.

He walks over to explain and sits next to me never letting go of his arm. Which making me think he has been cutting himself again. When I try and grab his hand he flinches and scoots away from me. "Deku have you been hurting yourself again. Is that why you left, you left so you could hurt yourself without my bugging you." He doesn't answer me instead he just sits there looking at the floor.

I sigh then leave the room and walk downstairs. I don't know what is wrong with him and frankly I don't really know what to do. I sit on the couch for a bit to think, but nothing comes to me so I dicided to wing it. Doing this can go one of two ways either really good or horribly bad. I am hoping it goes good.

I walk back up to my room and lock the door before I turn around I feel small arms wrap around my waist. Then I feel Dekus head on my shoulder and warm tears running down my chest. "Deku?"

"I am so sorry Kacchan." I hear Deku say. Then he let's go of me and walks away. I quickly turn around and grab his hand pulling him into me. He wraps his arms around my waist again and burrys his head into my chest. I pat his head and try to comfort him. He doesn't let go of me for a bit, but when he does his eyes are red and his face has dried tears all over it. I walk over to my bed and pat the space next to me. He slowly walks over and sits there.

"What happened Deku?" Deku bits his lip and tears start pooling up in his eyes. Shit did I say something wrong. I wrap my arm around his side and bring him closer to me to comfort him.

"Kacchan I am. . . I am so sorry. " This is the second time he has said that. He must feel sorry for making me worry.

"Its ok De-" maybe I should call him by his real name. "Izuku. Everything is fine. Why are you sorry. You can tell me I won't be mad."

That is when Deku looks at me with the most sincerely sorry eyes I have ever seen. And he says, "I am sorry for letting him touch me."

"What? Explain." I was trying not to sound to mad, but I think it wasn't working because Deku flinched at my tone. It took him a bit before he started explaining.

"So when you left when we were at the park this nice guy walked up to me and needed I'll finding his kid. I left with him to help find her, but then he knocked me out and I woke up in a cell room. He tryed to raped me,but when I tryed to fight back he whould hurt me. I am so sorry for letting another man touch me that wasn't you." Deku started crying again holding onto me even tighter. I didn't know what to do I was, so mad but not at Deku at the Dick if a man. I swear I will find him and kill him for touching Deku.

"Let's go to bed Deku you need to rest." Deku nodded then got under my sheets and closed his eyes. I felt bad that I wasn't there to help him all of this wouldn't of happened if it wasn't for me.

I layed next to Deku then kissed his head and wispered, "don't worry Deku I will never leave you again."

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