villain deku (part 1)

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I wake up in Dabi's arms and when I try to pull away he brings me closer to his chest. I hate being so close to him because it feels like I am cheating on Kacchan. I look up at Dabi and noticed that he was awake, and just pretending to be asleep.

"Dabi can you let go of me?" I see Dabi glance down at me then he let's go of me. I don't move at first until Dabi says, "Are you going to move or do you like being this close to me?"

I quickly move away then sit up and glare at him. "You know I have a boyfriend!" He rolled his eyes then got up. "For your correction you had a boyfriend. He won't love you after you become a villain. Speaking of we have to get you dressed and dye your hair."

"I don't want to dye my hair!" The villain rolled his eyes at me then grabbed my hand and yanked me up off the bed. He then grabbed the handcuffs and put them on me making me pout.

"It is just for a bit. I can't let anyone know I took them off of you." He says in a monotone voice. Dabi grabs my arm and drags me to the main place. I am surprised to see no one else is up. Dabi notices it then takes off my handcuffs. "Go sit down or something." I look around to find a couch, but I decide not to sit on it instead I sit on the counter and watch Dabi do whatever it is he is doing.

"What are you doing?" He sighs then walks to me and ruffles​ my hair making me blush.

"I guess today is your lucky day. I forgot where I put the hair dye." The villain says. He moves closer to me then picks me up off of the counter. He carries me to his room again then sets me down on to his bed. "Now let's get you changed." Dabi smirked then got onto me and put his hands up my shirt exploring my chest making me blush.

"W-what are you do-doing!" 

"Changing you."

"I can change myself." I push the villain off of me then got off the bed. "Clothes please." I say not wanting to look the villain in his eyes.

"Your no fun. Here" Dabi grabbed my hand then placed the clothes in it. The second I felt them in my hand I turn and walked to the bathroom. He would be dumb to think I would get changed infront of him. I didn't even like doing that with Kacchan. When I was done getting changed I walked back to dabis room only to find him not there. I wasn't bothered by this though. I took the time that he wasn't here to explore the room. It was just a dark sad room. I started opening up drawers and by the second one I opened I found a knife. I picked up the knife without thinking and started feeling how sharp it was. It has been a while since I cut myself and I really missed it even if I did the tell Kacchan that.

I rolled up my sleeve then started cutting myself. It felt so good to have control over this little thing. "So you like cutting yourself? I should have guessed." I jumped throwing the knife away from me. I don't know how Dabi got in the room without my noticing. He was leaning up against the wall watching me.

"I wasn't cutting myself..." I pulled the sleeve down over my arm again.

Dabi sighed then walked over to me. "Here let me guess why. You think that cutting yourself well help you feel in control. But you don't only cut yourself am I right?" Dabi stands right in front of me waiting for a answer, but when I don't answer he answers his own question. "You like doing other things. Like this is just a guess, but taking pills. Maybe you even like to wrap somethings around your neck and pull until you feel a bit to lightheaded and you stop. Like a game of chicken." Dabi lifts up my chin so I am fully looking him in the eyes. "Am I right deku?"

"How did you know." I mumble.

Dabi let go of me then went to grab the knife. "Well we have been watching you for some time, but just looking at your neck does it. Bruises don't heal fast. And you still have a long big bruise on your neck. Just cause bakugo can't see it doesnt mean we can't. Here keep it" Dabi throws the knife at me. I catch it then look at it. I never thought anyone whould know how I was feeling, but I guess villains are a different story. Villains lives are just like mine sad that is the only reason Dabi didn't really freak out when he saw he cutting myself. I bet he does it to and i bet he understands exactly how I feel.

"Where were you."

"You don't need to know about that right now." Dabi grabbed my arm then dragged me out of his room. When I tryed to protest he only held my arm tighter and said, "Toga really is dying to see you, so I'mma give her what she wants."

Dabi dragged me to the rest of the villains, and right when I got there the crazy blond ran to me and hugged me. "Izuku~!" I hug her back even though I really didn't want to.

"Told you he loved me Dabi!" She grabbed the arm Dabi was holding and dragged me to the couch. She threw me on the couch then sat on me petting me head. I was so uncomfortable I wasn't just something to be thrown around, dragged, and used as a boyfriend!

"I still don't think he loves you Toga look at him" Dabi protested. Looking at me up and down.

"Nonono! He loves me! He loves me and he is mine, so just leave us alone! Do not tell me that my boyfriend doesn't love me! I whould know if he didn't love me and he clearly does!! So just shut up about it because he loves me!!!!!" Toga yelled at Dabi.

"Then show me he loves you." And that is just what this crazy girl did. She got on top of me and started kissing me! I could feel myself get angry and my head hurting. I pushed toga off of me then slapped her. "YOU CRAZY ASS BITCH! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE! NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE SOMEONE LIKE YOU LET ALONE ME." I walked up to her and watched her shake. I grabbed her by the collar and pulled her to me then I said threw clenched teeth, "you should just pick up a knife and slit your throat. The world would be a better place without a whore like you in it." I let go of her and turned to sit back on the couch. My head and eyes hurt like shit. What was happening. I wanted to hurt something else. No I wanted to hurt someone else. I wanted to kill someone. I wanted to kill my dad.

"I didn't think you could cuss Midoriya. Wait where are you going!" Dabi said reaching for my arm. I pulled away them punched him. Fuck him let me do what I wanted to do. I walked over to the front door to open it but Dabi grabbed my arm again.

"Let go of me! I need to kill my dad!" After I said that Dabi let go of me and then he handed me a big metal object. A bat?

"Ok go and kill him, but come back." I smiled at him then took the bat and walked right out of the door. I was going to make him suffer.

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