chapter five: federal agents and government issues

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Ghost Town - Adam Lambert

"She's a modified Virginia-class, with an upgraded ASDS onboard," speaks the captain.

We've arrived at the U.S. Naval Base. The president conducted that Jason, the major, and his group be sent to investigate Shanghai, a place in China. Supposedly China hacked into the U.S. government and got ahold of classified documents. Leon told me all of this. Leon's team also does not approve of me. The president knows me. Leon explained to him that I'm not some random outsider. By all means, I'm an insider now. Leon saved the president's daughter so the president holds a lot of trust for Leon.

Jason is the guy who I saw earlier in the entrance hall of the White House. He's the one with the blonde hair, which he now wears a different attire. So does Leon. There's a girl here. She has black hair but I haven't gotten ahold of her name. I'm sure she doesn't want to tell me her name, anyway.

This new outbreak in the White House has me speculating a lot. How in the world did that happen? How did zombies get into the White House? Obviously, they don't just appear there, someone had to of done it themselves. That also explains why they had so many cleaning signs up and blocked hallways when the tourists came. It also explains why they have suddenly canceled every tour.

A very large-sized submarine sits in the water next to us as we walk next to it. The captain continues boasting about its abilities and how special it is. We'll be going in that submarine to get to China. I'm not necessarily excited about this but as long as I'm helping with this mess then I'm okay with it.

"We're gonna sneak right in under the East Sea Fleet's nose, load your team onto the DS, and launch it." The captain is an older man. He's got greyed hair and a worn face, but he seems nice. "You'll make your rendezvous without them knowing it."

I ignore the rest of the conversation, as it doesn't apply to what we're doing. My eyes slip over to Leon. He now wears a black leather coat with a blue button-up shirt beneath. He also wears some darkened blue jeans and black boots. He looks really good in his outfit. We stop to look at the submarine.

"So, you ready for this?" I ask him. He looks a bit worried.

He gives me a weird look. A look of confusion and anxiety. "I should be asking you that. But I'm fine. Are you?"

My hands clasp around the railings of the platform. "I'm better than ever, honestly." His eyes narrow at that sentence. He's not happy. "You're mad at me, I know, but I'm doing this for the good."

"No, I think you're doing it because you miss me," he confronts. His voice has an edge to it. It's bitter. He's mad at me, I knew it. I can't get mad at him for thinking that, though.

"Look, I do miss you, but I also really want to help the country. I swear, Leon," I honestly speak. "I'm not that selfish." But I am selfish in a way.

He sighs. "So you'd risk your life just so you can see my face?" His teeth are gritted when he talks. He makes it sound more of like a statement than a question. We can't even continue our conversation because it's time to load onto the submarine. He walks past me, not giving me another look. I want to confront him right here and right now but... I can't. I realize that Leon from eight years ago has drastically changed to the Leon he is now. I catch up with the rest of the group as we board.

We sit in a room with some tables. It's very tight spaced but we make do. I stand next to Leon as he leans against the wall and looks intimidated. Jason sits at one of the tables across from the girl with the slicked-back black hair. The tables and chairs are blue and metal. There are wooden cabinets on the back wall. There are panel boxes on the wall Jason leans on.

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